Hurricane Ida in Rye: Intersection of Cedar / Purchase / Highland

With the proverbial April showers upon us, perennial but perhaps more urgent flood mitigation discussions at city council and the upcoming June primaries ahead of the fall election season, is looking back at last summer’s Hurricane Ida.

On the night of Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 into Wednesday, September 1st, 2021, Hurricane Ida brought widespread destruction across Rye. 

Were you impacted by Ida? Tell us your flood story.

Rye faces a flooding triple threat–brook flooding (from both the Blind Brook and the Beaver Swamp Brook), storm water flooding (the ability of city, county and homeowner systems to handle flooding) and coastal flooding. As flooding becomes more frequent and severe, expensive complex and multi-jurisdictional solutions at mitigation will require time and great fortitude.

(PHOTO: The intersection of Cedar Street, Purchase Street and Highland Road the night of Hurricane Ida saw some of the highest water in the City.)
(PHOTO: The intersection of Cedar Street, Purchase Street and Highland Road the night of Hurricane Ida saw some of the highest water in the City.)

The intersection of Cedar Street, Purchase Street and Highland Road is a key intersection in the City of Rye. It is the artery connecting the Indian Village neighborhood of Rye to downtown Purchase Street to the Rye train station.

The photo above shows this intersection the night of Ida. The building shown across the street is the Highland Hall apartment complex. The Metro North train tracks and I-95 Interstate highway cross this area.

The photos below show the area when dry and a map of the location.

(PHOTO: Drier times: the exact same intersection of Cedar Street, Purchase Street and Highland Road without Ida floodwaters.)
(PHOTO: Drier times: the exact same intersection of Cedar Street, Purchase Street and Highland Road without Ida floodwaters.)
(PHOTO: The intersection of Cedar Street, Purchase Street and Highland Road.)
(PHOTO: The intersection of Cedar Street, Purchase Street and Highland Road.)



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