Got Clean Water?: Don’t Put These Down The Drain

Special promotional content provided by the local water company Veolia (fka Suez).

Across the thirteen Westchester communities where Veolia operates, the City of Rye represents 9.4% of accounts but accounts for 10.4% of water consumption. What can you do to save?

Veolia logoVeolia offers rebates for its Rye customers on water saving products–including irrigation controllers, washing machines, toilets and showerheads–learn more about the rebates & save

Using your household drain as a trash can for toxic materials and other items not intended for the sewage system is illegal. This behavior can cause damage to your home and drive up costs for our sewage department and tax bills.

Take these simple, common sense actions to make sure we can all enjoy clean water:

#1 – Unused and Expired Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs and over the counter medications should never be flushed down the toilet or poured down the drain (or put in your household trash!). Rye residents can dispose of unwanted or expired medications by bringing them to the designated collection box 24 hours/day at Rye Police Headquarters at 21 McCullough Place in downtown Rye by the train station. National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, April 30, 2022 so use the occasion to take action.

#2 – Chemicals

Hazardous Waste Day Playland 1
(PHOTO: A Household Recycling Day at Rye Playland.)

Common household products (drain and oven cleaners, paint products and thinners, cleaning agents, pesticides, mothballs, etc.) contain toxic ingredients. When these products are overused or improperly discarded, they pose a threat to indoor air, public health and the environment. Bring these materials to the annual Household Recycling Day (HRD) event run by Westchester County at Playland Park. Residents can also make appointments year-round with the County’s Household-Material Recycling Facility (H-MRF), 15 Woods Road, Valhalla. The H-MRF is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. by appointment, and accepts the same items that are accepted at HRD events..

#3 – Trash

Litter from streets can make its way into storm drains and eventually end up in nearby waters. Be conscious to properly dispose of even the smallest amount of litter, cigarette butts and pet waste. Pet wastes are a significant cause of nutrient contamination and contain bacteria and viruses which can harm people and aquatic life.

#4 – Automobiles

Car engine oil is toxic, and dumping used motor oil down drains, storm drains or on the ground is illegal. It has been estimated that every three weeks, more oil is deposited illegally in the United States than was discharged in the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska. When changing engine oil, recycle it at your local service station. When washing your car at home, use small amounts of non-phosphate detergents. Concentrations of phosphates in our waters ultimately cause fish and shellfish to die. Consider using a commercial car wash that recycles its wash water.

#5 – Solids that Cause Clogs

Any solid matter that you put down the toilet or drain has the potential to cause blockages in either the public sewer or your private drain. This can lead to raw sewage overflowing in your home, yard and street causing potential contact with disease-causing organisms.

If your drain is clogged, try pouring a kettle of boiling water or using a plunger before resorting to strong chemicals.

Here are some of the things that cause clogs:

  • Fats, oils or grease
  • Coffee grinds
  • Egg shells
  • Produce stickers
  • Chunks of garbage
  • Disposable diapers
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Paper towels
  • Flushable cat litter
  • Condoms
  • Bags/wrappings and cardboard
  • Flammable or explosive substances
  • Corrosive substances that are either acidic or caustic
  • Needles and sharps

Veolia offers rebates for its Rye customers on water saving products–including irrigation controllers, washing machines, toilets and showerheads–learn more about the rebates & save


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