Full of pRYEde: Meet Founder Danielle Tagger-Epstein
To celebrate Pride month, MyRye.com will be running a series called Full of pRYEde to introduce you to the five Rye women who founded the pRYEde advocacy group. The group is the force behind a myriad of LGBTQ+ resources and events including the City of Rye Pride flag raising and the Pride flag raising and mural in Rye Town Park.

Your Name: Danielle Tagger-Epstein
MyRye.com: Why are you a pRYEde founder?
Tagger-Epstein: I was lucky enough to have the opportunity present itself, giving me a way to continue allyship centered around LGBTQI+ issues, something that has been extremely important to me.
At the time that pRYEde came together, I was chair of the Human Rights Commission of the City, and had spent time focusing on several social justice issues that were important to residents. I was also a former City Council person so I had an understanding of legislation and developed relationships with elected officials on the local and state level.
All of us brought something to the table – literally the kitchen table where we first came together. That is the story of the beginning of pRYEde. We saw a need, a void in the community, and we were all in together.

What is pRYEde-how should residents see pRYEde and its mission?
Tagger-Epstein: pRYEde is guided by “3 C’s” – Communication, Collaboration, and Community. We are committed to making our community more inclusive and supporting and embracing our LGBTQ+ community. We will continue to educate our community why it is critical to the mental wellbeing of our youth that we support their identities.
What does it mean that the City of Rye now raises a Pride flag each June?
Tagger-Epstein: Mental health challenges in the LGBTQ community are largely due to stigma, discrimination, and bias in all of its forms. The LGBTQ+ Pride flag is a symbol of inclusivity and acceptance and one small way we as a community can stand up against hate.
Tell Us About You:
What do you do professionally?
Tagger-Epstein: When I ran for City Council and subsequently won in 2015, I gave up my consulting business. I have since devoted my time to public service and raising my family.
Where do you live in Rye?
Tagger-Epstein: I live in the Greenhaven section of Rye, and though I love every part of Rye, I am grateful we still have so many of the old Tudors and original charm in this part of town.
How long have you lived in Rye and where did you move from?
Tagger-Epstein: We moved to Rye in 2011 from the city.
Other than the June Pride flag raising, what are some of the other annual Rye events and traditions you enjoy?
Tagger-Epstein: There are so many events I love in Rye and they shift as my kids shift in age.
- I love Halloween Painting, especially the year we brought “Safe Space” with the Rye Historical Society at the Square House when I chaired the Human Rights Commission.
- The Memorial Day Parade- It was such an honor for pRYEde to participate this year.
- MistleToe Magic- Kids of all ages always show up. It is awesome to see.
Thanks Danielle!