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HomeFoodEating RyeEating Rye: Raffaele Ronca of Rafele Rye

Eating Rye: Raffaele Ronca of Rafele Rye

Eating Rye is an occasional feature to meet the chefs and other professionals in the restaurant kitchens across Rye. When you dine-in, pick-up or call for delivery these are the folks working hard for you, your friends & family and your taste buds.

Today we meet Raffaele Ronca of Rafele Rye.

(PHOTO: Raffaele Ronca, executive chef of Rafele Rye.)
(PHOTO: Raffaele Ronca, executive chef of Rafele Rye.)

Your Name: Raffaele Ronca

Your Role: Executive chef and owner

The name of your restaurant: Rafele Rye

MyRye.com: Describe yourself in one word:

Ronca: Friendly caring human

How long have you been a chef at Rafele?

Ronca: Since 4 years ago

Previously, where did you work?

Ronca: Before I opened the restaurant in Rye, I operated just a restaurant in the City [New York City] with the same name.

PM Purchase St_Downtown Rye #0005 2021-05-17 Rafele Exterior 2 DSC_0925
(PHOTO: Rafele Rye at 26 Purchase Street. Credit: Pei Pei Martin.)

What and when was your first paid job?

Ronca: My first job in a restaurant was 31 years ago when I was 19 and moved to the US from Italy in 1990. 

Describe your path to becoming a chef.

Ronca: I have a passion for food, I have a passion for my country, Italy, that I want to share, and I have a passion for people.

What are three attributes that make someone a good chef? 


  1. Knowing how to combine ingredients 
  2. Sourcing ingredients locally
  3. Being creative

Describe your restaurant’s clientele.

Ronca: My restaurant’s clientele in Rye is warm and friendly.

Describe the atmosphere of your restaurant: 

PM Purchase St_Downtown Rye #0013 2021-05-17 Rafele Interior 8 DSC_1032
(PHOTO: Inside Rafele Rye at 26 Purchase Street. Credit: Pei Pei Martin.)

Ronca: The atmosphere of my restaurant is very home feeling and cozy.

Describe the physical attributes of your restaurant: 

Ronca: When you walk into my restaurant, there is a great bar on the left, a wine cellar on the right, and exposed brick ovens. The design is open concept.

Match a recommended meal with each season:


Occasion Recommended Meal
Warm summer evening Artichoke hearts over arugula and parmigiano lemon dressing with grilled shrimp
Crisp fall afternoon Nice butternut squash risotto with parmigiano
Cold winter day Fish stew with pizza dough on top
Muddy wet spring night Fried zucchini blossoms filled with mozzarella 


What is your favorite dish on the menu and why? 

Ronca: I don’t have a favorite dish, it depends on the day and what I feel like eating. That would be like having a favorite child because they are all special to me.

What’s the most underrated day of week and time of day to enjoy your restaurant?

Ronca: Tuesday night at 6pm

Thanks Raffaele!


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