Helping Hands Needs You to Fill 2,035 School Backpacks

(PHOTO: Helping Hands Mission Backpack in action.)
(PHOTO: Helping Hands Mission Backpack in action.)

Helping Hands, the local service organization, is looking for your help this week to fill over 2,000 school backpacks for those in need. Volunteers are needed Wednesday and Thursday morning at the Rye High School auxiliary gym and donations are welcome anytime.

“Covid never stopped us!,” said Young Kim, Helping Hands board member and vice president. “In 2020 we worked entirely outdoors. Last year we continued our covid-hybrid of working indoors and outdoors and filled over 2,000 backpacks which went to 18 local social service agencies and shelters. This year we will once again use our hybrid model. This will be our 35th year of Helping Hands so our target is 2035 backpacks.”

When you can volunteer:

Wednesday UNLOADING and SETUP – complete the Wednesday volunteer form
9:30 am – 12 pm
Middle School students and up.

Thursday BACKPACK FILLING – complete the Thursday volunteer form
10-12 pm
All ages welcome! Volunteers aged 6-10 must be accompanied by an adult.

Location: Rye High School auxiliary gym, masks optional

Can’t make it? Consider a donation.

(PHOTO: The Helping Hands Mission Backpack supply line.)
(PHOTO: The Helping Hands Mission Backpack supply line.)


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