Council Chambers Fills for Veterans Day

Under the threat of impending rain, the council chambers of Rye City Hall filled with residents on Veterans Day to pay respects and honor those who have served. Veterans Day ceremonies in Rye have been held since 1919.

The program was run by American Legion Post 128 and emceed by its Commander Fred de Barros. In his remarks Barros thanked Rye Boy Scout Troop 2 for helping hand out the event programs. He also thanked Midland School students for the 300-400 cards they presented to the American Legion that have been sent up to the VA hospital in Montrose. Milton School and Resurrection Grammar School also held vet ceremonies.
Other remarks were made by Mayor Josh Cohn, County Executive George Latimer and New York State Senator Shelley Mayor. Stories were told of the Marines of Rye at Guadalcanal. de Barros closed the program with a moment of silence before Robin Latimer sang God Bless America.
Watch part of the program here: