Winter Reminders from Rye Traffic and Pedestrian Safety
Your friends at the Rye Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Committee would like to remind you about neighborly courtesy and our local laws before our first serious snow storms.
- Within 24 hours, clear snow from sidewalks. (It’s the law!)
- No overnight parking on public roads November 1 – March 31. (It’s the law!)
- Turn off your engine after three minutes of idling. (It’s the law!)
Have questions? Reach out to one of your neighbors on the Rye Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Committee (Brian Dempsey, Chair 12-31-24 (date indicates end of term); Niamh Alexander 12-31-23; Sue Autry 12-31-24; David Crozier 12-31-23; Tony DiGiacomo 12-31-23; Anna Maria Lamonte 12-31-22; Kelly Smith-Powers 12-31-23; Suki Van Dijk 12-31-22; Greg Usry City Manager, ex-officio; Kelsey Johnson, RCSD BOE ex-officio; Eric Byrne Superintendent of Schools, ex-officio.).