Boys Varsity Basketball Prodded by Somers Tuskers in OT

Rye Boys Varsity Basketball 2023-01-24 vs Somers

Rye Boys Varsity Basketball was prodded by the Somers Tuskers in OT on Tuesday. The Tuskers applied its ivory and took the win 63-57.

Game highlights included:

  • Andrew Caroll 11pts
  • John Atkins 11pts
  • Dalton Boisseau 11pts
  • Jake Kessner 13pts
  • Sebastian Medina 10 rebounds
  • Somers led by Ándrew Violante 18pts, Matt Fitzsimons 22pts

The Garnets are now 11-4. Watch the replay. Rye is back at home on Friday night vs Byram Hills at 7:00pm (watch it).


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