Police Department Announces New Trust Campaign

On Thursday, the Rye Police Department announced that it is participating in the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Trust Building Campaign. This program was developed by the IACP and adopted by the organization as a way for police departments to enhance trust with the communities that they serve. There are three main goals:
- Ensuring positive community/police partnerships that promote safe and effective interactions,
- Create cooperative strategies between the public and police to prevent and reduce crime,
- Improve the well-being and quality of life of the entire
“I believe strongly that one of the core responsibilities of a police department is building and maintaining trust and transparency with the community that it serves,” Commissioner of Public Safety Michael A. Kopy said. “I believe our participation in the program will enhance the trust and respect the community holds for our police department.”
The Trust Building Campaign provides six categories to focus on:
- Bias-Free Policing
- Use of Force
- Leadership and Culture
- Recruitment
- Hiring and Retention
- Victim Services
- Community Relations
The IACP recommendations include:
- Establishing an agency policy that recognizes the sanctity of life and the importance of preserving human life
- Establishing a policy of bias-free policing
- Provide training to officers on cultural responsivity
- Document all use of force beyond complaint handcuffing
- Train officers in trauma-informed response
- Educate communities on the dynamics of policing and set reasonable expectations for their police.
Commissioner Kopy further stated, “Although a vast majority of the recommendations required by the IACP are standard practice at the Rye Police Department, our participation in this program shows our commitment to being a leader in law enforcement best practices.”
City of Rye Mayor Josh Cohn said, “The City is pleased to see our Police Department take this new initiative, which corresponds so well to the work of our Police Advisory Committee. We are grateful to Commissioner Kopy and all our police officers for their commitment to caring community policing.”
The Rye Police Department was one of the first departments in New York State to accept this challenge.
Commissioner Kopy said, “The City of Rye Police Department is committed to providing the highest quality of service to our community. We hope that through this initiative we can demonstrate our commitment by enhancing trust and transparency.”