Ageism in America Presented at The Osborn

(PHOTO: Dr. Sarah Hahn, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science & Sociology at Mercy College, spoke at The Osborn.)
(PHOTO: Dr. Sarah Hahn, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science & Sociology at Mercy College, spoke at The Osborn.)

Dr. Sarah Hahn, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science & Sociology at Mercy College, spoke one of The Osborn’s “Lunch and Learn” programs. Part of a series, the programs are available to Osborn residents and prospective residents.

Hahn spoke about ageism and how each person can subtly, without evening knowing, and can be ageist, and that most of us actually do or say something ageist on a daily basis. Dr. Hahn offered amazing insight and great strategies on how to avoid the unconscious bias of ageism.

(PHOTO: Attendees at The Osborn's “Lunch and Learn” program.)
(PHOTO: Attendees at The Osborn’s “Lunch and Learn” program.)


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