In Memory: Richard Goleniewski, Age 63

Obituary - Richard Goleniewski-5Richard Goleniewski, the sweetest man and most incredible dad, passed away on Friday, February 24th, 2023, in New York, NY. He will be loved by those who knew him for the rest of time.

Richard had the biggest heart. He loved his mom and his dad, Stanley and Irena, whom he called every night until they passed away. He loved his family. He loved his friends. He loved his kids. He always made sure everyone knew it.

Richard, 63, was born in Cleveland and grew up in Seattle, WA and Fairview, PA where he was a prized wrestler and running back on his championship high school football team. He studied Geology at Rutgers and Econometric Modeling at Penn State. As an adult he lived in Manhattan and Rye, NY. He particularly loved the Upper West Side where he spent much of his time in Central Park running, reading Anthony Bourdain books, roaming the Museum of Natural History, and attending the Opera.

Richard was an accomplished financier and global investment manager, working at Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, Artemis Investment Management, and Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec. Through New York Cares he worked at food banks, and he was a student mentor through The City Tutors.

He was the kindest and most goofy dad to his kids, who cherished every moment spent with him. He was an incredible skier, fly fisherman, and lover of nature. He taught himself how to play the guitar and taught his kids to love music because of it. His kids will remember him as the best cook, sports coach, concert buddy, random nickname generator, and the best dad. They will try to emulate his wonderfully bizarre sense of humor, endless curiosity, and gentle kindness for the rest of their lives.

Richard is survived by his kids — Hannah Redding (Washington, D.C.) and Cole Redding (New York, NY), their mom Joanne Redding (Greenwich, CT), his brother John (Sandy, UT) and nephew Michael (Salt Lake City, UT), his lifelong friends in the Buseck family, his favorite boys on four legs (Otis, Frederick, and Avery), and an enormous community of people who loved him endlessly and unconditionally.

Through AA and treatment for alcohol abuse, Richard met an incredible community of friends who supported him. In lieu of flowers, please donate to Herren Project or Bowery Mission.

A celebration of Richard’s life will take place on Saturday, March 25th at 12 PM at Shenorock Shore Club, 475 Stuyvesant Avenue, Rye, NY. Please come ready to hug, listen to music he loved, and share stories about him. If you have any questions or would like to share photos and/or stories with us, please contact


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