RFE $130K Grant for Classroom Displays

(PHOTO: Osborn Elementary School 5th grade teacher Katy Buderman delivers to goods on the new Promethean display boards.)
(PHOTO: Osborn Elementary School 5th grade teacher Katy Buderman delivers to goods on the new Promethean display boards.)

The Rye Fund for Education (RFE), a non-profit supporting the Rye City School District, was relaunched in the fall of 2022. Through a grant making process, the RFE supports projects beyond the scope of Rye schools’ annual budget.

MyRye.com will occasionally profile the grants made by RFE. Today we look at a $130K grant for classroom displays. 

The RFE’s first annual spring benefit will be on Thursday, May 4th at the Shenorock Shore Club.

What: 16 ActivPanels for Classrooms (aka Promethean boards)

Grant Size: $130,865

Rye City School District Impact: All five schools

Students Impacted: All

Tell me more:

This grant is part of the District’s overall technology plan to replace the current smartboards with new interactive displays (ActivPanels) over the next few years.

Deployed: October 2022

(PHOTO: The new Promethean ActivPanel display boards.)
(PHOTO: The new Promethean ActivPanel display boards.)

What The Teacher Says:

“Having a Promethean Board in our classroom has transformed instruction through active engagement. Its built-in applications allow for interactive student-driven experiences where students have a hands-on role in their learning. We love the spinner application and the multi-user mode in the whiteboard application!  Our students are equally thrilled about our new board,” – Ellen Litt & Katy Buderman, 5th Grade co-teachers at Osborn School.

Student Impact:

  • Students can add their thoughts to the board in real-time
  • 20 simultaneous touch points, so multiple students can work with the board at the same time
  • Students can share their screens and show their work—getting immediate feedback from their teacher 
  • Teachers can create activities or games for their lessons that require their students to participate
  • Teachers can show real-time web based references while they teach


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