Girls Varsity Golf Stalks the Edgemont Panthers

Rye Girls Varsity Golf 2023-04-13 vs Edgemont Panthers
(PHOTO: Rye Girls Varsity Golfer Emily Hirsch on Thursday versus the Edgemont Panthers.)

Rye Girls Varsity Golf stalked the Edgemont Panthers at the Rye Golf Club on Thursday, taking the win 259-277.

“Rye senior captain Ali Hudson earned low medalist today with a score of 48,” said Rye Girls Varsity Golf Coach Rich Savage. “This was her best 9 hole score of her career and was the key score that help Rye win the match. Freshman Tori Hobbins had a solid round for the Garnets.”

Rye will travel to face Harrison on Monday for a 4:15pm match.


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