Boys Varsity Tennis Soars Above the Eagles

(PHOTO: 2023 Rye Boys Varsity team member Ty Bibas with a strong forehand.)
(PHOTO: 2023 Rye Boys Varsity team member Ty Bibas with a strong forehand.)

Rye Boys Varsity Tennis soared above the Eastchester Eagles on Thursday, delivering love at home for a 7 – 0 win.

“Rye cruised to a smooth victory over Eastchester,” said Rye Boys Varsity Tennis Coach Sue Dickson. “The three doubles teams, Henry Paul and Henry Bagley, Cian Keegan and Filip Glitterstam, along with Jiawen Hao and Gunnar Wey, all cruised to straight set wins giving up only 6 games in the three matches. All the singles player also had great wins with an exciting finish to fourth singles match between Ty Bibas (R) and Toma Hayashi (E) 6-4, 3-6, and a super tiebreaker of 10-8 with Bibas coming up with the “W.””

The team remains first in the league with a 9 – 1 record.

Matches next week include Harrison, Pelham, Scarsdale B, and White Plains to close out the regular season.


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