Remembering Rye Vets: The 81 Names of the Roll of Honor
This past Monday, the Rye community gathered for the annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony. The events commemorated those Rye residents who lost their lives in the line of duty, making the ultimate sacrifice. One of the hallmarks of the annual ceremony is the recitation of the Roll of Honor. Terry McCartney of American Legion Post 128 announced the name of every fallen Rye vet, giving each and every man his due respect.
Here is the Roll of Honor:
Charles L. Armstrong, USA
Charles A. Batten, Black Watch, School St., 22
John Batten, USA
William K.B. Emerson, USA
William H. Geary, Jr., USA, Post Rd., 25
Charles H. Johnson, USA
Edward J. McNamara, USA, Park Ave., 24
Curtis S. Read, USN, Upper Dogwood Ln., 22
Ralph B. Yerkes, USA, Purchase St., 24
Campbell T. Ames, USA, Milton Rd., 27
Charles W. Bailey, Jr., USN, Milton Rd., 21
William R. Balcom, USA, Bulkley Manor, 23
Charles W. Barth, USMC, Midland Ave., 27
John E. Bassett, USA, Grace Church St., 20. Charles E. Bateson, USAAC, Highland Rd., 27
Thomas M. Black, USMC, Midland Ave., 20
Ralph J. Blohm, USA, Osborn Rd., 19
H. Stanley Bulkley, USA, Railroad Ave., 21
Harry P. Camden, Jr., USAAC, Rye Beach Ave., 43
Richard T. Chapin, MM, Rye Beach Ave., 28
Geo. E. Christman, Jr., USN, Roosevelt Ave., 24
John N. Compton, USN, Forest Ave., 24
Richard W. Courtleigh, USMC, Forest Ave., 21
Anthony P. Crolly, USA, Purchase St., 25
Frank N. Daur, Jr., USAAC, Fernwood Ave., 20
Daniel P. Dunkerley, USAAC, School St., 24
Frederick G. Ellingham, Jr., USA, Grapal St., 20
Fred W. Fien, USA, Rosemere St., 22
Samuel P. Gagliardo, USA, Central Ave., 29
Patrick A. Griffin, USAAC, Highland Rd., 26
Charles Harrison, USAAC, 21
Harvey J. Hayman, USN, Rye Beach Ave., 22
Peter J. Heffernan, USAAC, Bulkley Manor, 28
James A. Hertz, USA, Loudon Woods, 23
Joseph N. Hood, Jr., USAAC, Grandview Ave., 28
Walter K. Howland, USN, Post Rd., 35
George C. Johnson, Jr., USAAC, Orchard Lane, 24
Karl J. Kirchwey, USN, Stuyvesant Ave., 23
James L. Larkin, USMC, Purchase St., 22
Robert H. Lathrop, USA, Milton Rd., 19
William B. Leith, USAAC, Grace Church St., 23
Harry Lowe, RCAF, Halstead Ave., 22
Thomas F. Maloney, USA, Grapal St., 38 Paul A. Mansell, USAAC, Ridgeland Manor, 27
John G. McCarthy, USAAC, Grapal St., 23
Allen J. McDonald, USA, Purchase St., 37
A Graham McIlwaine II, USN, UpDgWd Lane, 22
John R. Mendenhall, USA, Theall Road, 51
George O. Mergenthaler, USA, Purchase St., 24
Robert S. Merrill, USA, Oakland Beach Ave., 25
Charles F. Mitchell, USA, Grace Church St., 20
Philip A. Oldham, USMC, Meadow Place, 29
Ralph P. Parsons, USA, Guion Rd., 32
William G. Parsons, USAAC, Guion Rd., 24
Mark Rainsford, USA, Highland Rd., 25
John Sheridan Reilly, USA, Post Rd., 24
John F. Samler, USMC, Grapal St., 23
Raymond G. Scherff, USAAC, Midland Ave., 25
Roland C. Senf, USA, Kirby Lane, 19
Robert L. Shedden, USAAC, Mt. Pleasant St., 23
Alan A. Slade, Jr., USA, Meadow Place, 19
Peter J. Sproule, USA, Natoma St., 19
Henry B. Stimson, Jr., USAAC, Mendota Ave., 27
George W. Strange, Sr., USA, Wainwright St., 28
James K. Taylor, USAAC, Davis Ave., 25
James N. Thorne, RAF, Post Rd., 24
Donald R. Torrey, USA, Park Lane, 20
Stanley K. Turner, Jr., USN, 25
Charles P. Wassell, USAAC, Loudon Woods, 22
Frank L. Wassell, USAAC, Loudon Woods, 24
Harry B. Wassell, USAAC, Loudon Woods, 27
William G. Werner, USA, Harbor Terrace, 24 John Williamson, USA, Milton Rd., 30
Walter E. Bailey, USN, Oakland Gardens, 30
Robert S. Banks, USA, Goldwin St., 23
Vaughn D. Prunier, USAF, Soundview Ave., 23
Daniel F. Donahue, USAF, Elm St., 32
Richard E. Hanley, USA, Ridgeland Manor, 25
Christopher H. Markey, USMC, Harbor Terrace, 24
Paul M. McGrath, USMC, Park Dr. North, 23
John F. Shaughnessy, Jr., USAF, Grandview Ave., 30