Rye Middle School Graduates Cross the Bridge into High School.

Rye High with Flags 2020 IMG_3989

A new class of Rye Garnets have crossed the stage. On Thursday, the Rye Middle School eighth graders accepted their diplomas, and officially became the Rye High School Class of 2027. Joined by friends, family, teachers, and administrators, the 193 graduates celebrated the accomplishments made during their years at RMS, and enjoyed a send off into high school.

The ceremony started with the Pledge of Allegiance, read by Kristie Orlando, the Rye Middle School assistant principal, and interpreted by RMS ASL students Isabella Biancucci, Kinsey Codispoti, Maria Kostko, Darcy Lawrencw, Fiona McGuigan, Benjamin Musano and Kate Phillips. This reading was followed by the singing of the national anthem, performed by choral students Aileen Dowling, Mia Shimada Ling, Sally Moerschen, Rebecca Philbrick, Anaya Prasad, Ruby Siano and Robyn Wilmot. 

Rye Middle School principal Joseph DiGiovanni issued a welcome to the graduates and led an introduction of guests. Jane Anderson, the president of the Board of Education, addressed the graduates on behalf of the Board, following him. 

The Rye Rotary Award, an award given to a student who presents exemplary citizenship, was awarded to Rebecca Philbrick. 

Musical performances included Unwritten, by Natasha Beingfield, performed by Sally Moerschen, and Part of Your World, sung by Sam Rodriguez. 

After the presentation of diplomas, the Eighth grade class was presented by their current principal, Joseph DiGiovanni, and addressed by their future principal, Suzanne Kelly Short. 

Here is the Class of 2027:

Noah Adler

Maxwell An

Evans Anderson

Alexander Ball

Anna Bancroft

Tuur Bartels

Trajan Bea

Marcos Becker

Hope Becton

Kaitlyn Bentley

Malcolm Berkoff

Isabella Biancucci

Derek Bisceglia

Alana Boisseau

Charles Brady

Kaito Brittain

Giorgia Brizio

Selkie Brown

Vivian Bruffett

Michael Bubeck

Amelia Buckley

Julia Cai

Jonah Campbell Miller

Gerardo Canet

Julia Carballo

Lindsay Cassano

Greydon Cast

Gabriel Chared Sandstrom

Thomas Chen

Katherine Chesley

Francesca Chiaravalle

Zachary Choo

James Constable

Claire Cosenza

Christian Cowdell

Samantha Coyne

Felicity Crothall

Luke Davies

Dean Degnan

Catherine Dennis

Luke Denvir

Jillian DeSanto

Elliot Dickman-Wilkes

Alexandra DiMeo

Kayla Doherty

Patrick Doyle

Mary Ebeling

Margo Ehrenberg

Madison Ellis

Theodore Emerson

Jacob Erith

Lila Fadden

Martina Farres-Centeno

Jagger Fenton

William Field

Lex Fogarty

Mia Fintana

Katherine Fritsche

Harper Frolio-Light

Riho Fukudome

Alondra Galindo Chacama

Connor Galvez

Iciar Garate

Penelope Gilmore

Henry Gilroy

Filip Glitterstam

Alexander Goldstein

Christian Gomes

Olivia Grani

Ciao Haley

Sasha Hall

Bridget Hanlon

Phineas Hansen

Samantha Hargraves

Sophia Harris

Tomoharu Hayakawa

Ryan Hess

Harry Hillis

Benjamin Hudson

Mia Lynch

Jack MacFarlane

Anisa Machano

Vincent Magliano

Alienna Malkani

Lucilla Marchand

Fiona Marino

Livia Marques

Hudson Marquis

Maximus Matthews

Kai McCullock

Jack McGill

Mae McGinn

Gabriella McGuire

Luke McKay

Gavin McKiernan

Clara Meszkat

Amelie Modesto

Sally Moerschen

Ronia Mohassel

Kiernan Moran

William Morreale

Vlad Moscaliuc

Fernando Mosquera

Gray Musano

Cecilia Neise

Nicholas Neubardt

Zoe Nichols

Joseph Nigro

Rory O’Byrne

Jayden Olavarria

Luke Ontaneda

Jason Osier

Osman Osman

Paloma Otero

Cole Pagen

Eleanor Pandl

Brian Park

Ainsley Parks

Victoria Passalacqua

Rajan Patel

Paloma Pepper

Ava Perota

Zoe Perota

Carolyn Peters

Rebecca Philbrick

Kate Phillips

Ella Poole

Dupree Porter

Olivia Prata

Tyler Prata

Emma Prime

Angelica Principato

Abigail Providenti

Catherine Puzzouli

Aidan Pymm

Maynor Ramos

Shira Rand

Zachary Ratner

Wilson Redd

Francesca Ribeiro

Jude Ridd

Atticus Reigelhaupt

Jenna Rodrigues

Sam Rodriguez

Jonathan Rosenbluth

Owen Rothstein

Jonathan Rotondo

Luka Rozende

Sophie Ruddy

Lula Rupp

Kian Sadr

Patricia Kate Salvador

Blake Sasse

Maggie Schmidt

Ava Schoeller

Jake Schonberg

Elizabeth Schwartzman

Luke Scully

Samuel Scully

Rise Shibata

Ruby Siano

Miles Silber

Hunter Simandl

Emma Singer

Sahib Singh

Dylan Dmailes

Olivia Smith

Liam Storz

Aran Subramanian

Miyu Sueoka

Garret Sullivan

Elle Talbott

Zixian Tang

Isabella Taylor

Isabella Tello

Graden Thomas

Peter Thompson

Caroline Tighe

Kristen Triolo

Izuchukwu Udeagha

Jed Unterhalter

Harper Van Maanen

Tayga Vural

Emery Wallach

Caleigh Wardle

Katherine Weidinger

Baker Wells

Freya Whitby

Peter Wilmot

Callahan Wing

Christopher Woglom

Carly Woods

Rose Zicherman


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