Police Recover Missing Person in Marshland Conservancy (Photos, Video)

(PHOTO: Rye and Westchester County Police Departments spent nine hours in the early hours of Thursday, August 3, 2023 searching for a missing person in the 130 acre Marshlands Conservancy, a County park on the Boston Post Road adjacent to the Rye Golf Club and the Jay Heritage Center.)
(PHOTO: Rye and Westchester County Police Departments spent nine hours in the early hours of Thursday, August 3, 2023 searching for a missing person in the 130 acre Marshlands Conservancy, a county park on the Boston Post Road adjacent to the Rye Golf Club and the Jay Heritage Center.)

Rye and Westchester County Police Departments spent nine hours in the early hours of Thursday searching for a missing person in the 130 acre Marshlands Conservancy, a County park on the Boston Post Road adjacent to the Rye Golf Club and the Jay Heritage Center.

(PHOTO: Rye and Westchester County Police Departments spent nine hours in the early hours of Thursday, August 3, 2023 searching for a missing person in the 130 acre Marshlands Conservancy, a County park on the Boston Post Road adjacent to the Rye Golf Club and the Jay Heritage Center.)
(PHOTO: Rye and Westchester County Police Departments spent nine hours in the early hours of Thursday, August 3, 2023 searching for a missing person in the 130 acre Marshlands Conservancy, a county park on the Boston Post Road adjacent to the Rye Golf Club and the Jay Heritage Center.)

The woman, age 30, was reported missing by her family who had last seen her at 10:00pm Wednesday. Rye PD was called in to assist the Westchester County Police Department at 12:30am Thursday. Police units searched the park and surrounding area for over nine hours. Three to four Rye PD officers joined an unknown number of County officers in the search.

In addition to officers and canine on foot, the departments used County aviation (police helicopter), the Rye PD marine unit and the Rye PD drone. The subject was eventually located around 9:30am Thursday by the City of Rye Police’s drone in a remote area by the shoreline.

The woman appeared to be un-injured and in good health, according to police. The Rye PD sergeant operating the drone, in conjunction with a Westchester County police officer were able to guide ground units to the individual who was escorted back to EMS and waiting family members. It is unknown if she received further medical care.

This was the first time the Rye PD drone was instrumental in a missing person recovery in the City. The department acquired the drone about a year ago.

Individuals are not permitted to be in the Marshlands Conservancy after dusk.


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