Girls Varsity Swimming Makes Waves in White Plains

(PHOTO: The 2023 Rye Girls Swimming and Diving senior captains Delia Fuchs (Rye), Sydney Goldberg (Blind Brook), and Lilly Peters (Rye).)
(PHOTO: The 2023 Rye Girls Swimming and Diving senior captains Delia Fuchs (Rye), Sydney Goldberg (Blind Brook), and Lilly Peters (Rye).)

Rye Girls Varsity Swimming and Diving fell short versus White Plains on Friday 89 – 94 but still made waves with individual performances.

“Tonight we celebrated our 3 senior captains: Delia Fuchs (Rye), Lilly Peters (Rye), and Sydney Goldberg (Blind Brook) at the senior meet against White Plains,” said Rye Girls Varsity Swimming and Diving Coach Katie Konopka. “The team did a great job racing against tough competition.”

Individual event winners included: Ayana Ite (200 Free), Charlize Tavitian (200 IM), Sydney Goldberg (100 Fly and 100 Breaststroke), and Kate Chesley (100 Back).

The team is now 3 – 4. They swim Monday at SUNY Purchase versus Ursulline at 4:30pm.


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