Rye Guy & County Boss Latimer Gets the Jab for Flu and COVID-19 Booster

Rye guy and County Executive George Latimer rolled up his sleeves for a flu shot and an updated COVID-19 vaccine this past Friday at the Westchester County Department of Health clinic in White Plains.
Urging residents to follow his lead, Latimer said: “Schedule your flu and COVID-19 shots today, for yourself and your children. The flu can be miserable, and this vaccine offers the best protection we have throughout flu season.”
Watch Latimer get his flu and COVID shots:
Flu and COVID-19 vaccines are available for a fee for people with insurance at many pharmacists and medical offices. To find a vaccine near you, go to https://www.vaccines.gov. Locally you can book at Rye Beach Pharmacy and various local CVS locations.
Vaccines are also available for uninsured and underinsured adults and children through the Vaccines for Adults and Vaccines for Children programs at Health Department clinics by appointment. Call 914-995-5800 weekdays before 4:30 p.m. to discuss eligibility. To reach residents who have difficulty accessing flu shots, the Health Department is holding clinics at some soup kitchens and homeless shelters.
Westchester County Health Commissioner Sherlita Amler, MD, said: “I urge everyone six months and older to get both these vaccines, and the sooner the better. Both flu and COVID-19 cases tick up as it gets colder and we spend more time indoors. Knowing this, I urge you to schedule flu shots for all your children and yourself as soon as possible. Vaccination protects you and it protects those around you who are more vulnerable to complications, such as infants too young to be vaccinated, seniors and people with chronic health conditions.”
In the U.S., there are usually more flu cases between December and February, but flu can linger into May. One flu vaccine now provides protection all season long and can prevent illness or reduce the severity of flu symptoms. The vaccine becomes fully effective after about two weeks.
Dr. Amler said that anyone who does get a respiratory infection should consider COVID/influenza testing. To avoid spreading germs to others, the CDC recommends residents wear a mask; cough or sneeze into their elbow; wash their hands frequently with soap and water. Those with flu should stay home for 24 hours after their fever subsides. Those who test positive for COVID should stay home for five days to avoid spreading germs and then wear a mask in public for another five days; clean surfaces they touch frequently, such as doorknobs, water faucets, refrigerator handles and telephones; and get plenty of rest.