Girls Varsity Basketball Stalked by the Wolf Pac of Mahopac

Rye Girls Varsity Basketball 2023-12-29 @ Mahopac (@Mahopac)

Rye Girls Varsity Basketball was stalked by the Wolf Pac of Mahopac on Friday. On their home territory, the Pac surrounded the Garnets for a 41-35 win.

“Tough loss to Mahopac 41-35,” said Rye Girls Varsity Basketball Coach Margo Hackett.

Game highlights included:

  • Paige Tepedino – 10 pts
  • Molly Kennedy – 7 pts
  • Ava Cross & Piper Tenney – 6 pts each

Watch the replay. The Garnets are now 5 – 2 for the season. Varsity faces White Plains on Friday, January 5th at 5:15pm (watch it).


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