Rye Dems Endorse Latimer for Congress

(PHOTO: Rye guy and County Executive George Latimer working the palm cards with City Council candidates Jamie Jensen (D-challenger) and Josh Nathan (D-incumbent) at the Harrison train station on Monday, November 6, 2023.)
(PHOTO: Rye guy and County Executive George Latimer working the palm cards with City Council candidates Jamie Jensen (D-challenger) and Josh Nathan (D-incumbent) at the Harrison train station on Monday, November 6, 2023. Both candidates won their race.)

In an expected move, Rye City Democratic Committee endorsed Rye guy and Westchester County Executive George Latimer in his Democratic primary race versus Jamaal Bowman to represent NY-16. The group held its endorsement vote on day one of Latimer’s official campaign, Wednesday, December 6th and made the announcement Thursday morning.

From the Rye Dems:

“On December 6, 2023, County Executive George Latimer announced his candidacy to represent our district, New York CD 16.

The Rye City Democratic Committee is proud to endorse one of Rye’s great public servants. George has a 30 year track record of service and accomplishment for Rye, Westchester and New York State.

From his start on the Rye City Council, to the NY State Assembly, State Senate and now as Westchester County Executive, George has always listened to the needs of his constituents. He always takes pain to learn the names of those he represents and their individual stories. This has informed the legislation he has passed to make their lives better. He knows how to work with people to get things done for those he has been elected to serve.

George Latimer is a fantastic candidate and will make an outstanding representative for our district in the US Congress.

The Rye City Democrats are honored to endorse George Latimer for Congress.”


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