Sailors of Hen Hud Take Wind Out of Garnet Basketball

Rye Boys Varsity Basketball 2023-12-27 vs. Hen Hud

The Hendrick Hudson Sailors took the wind out of the Rye Boys Varsity Basketball at home on Wednesday with a 54-51 win over the Garnets.

Game highlights included:

  • Kessner 18pts, 12r
  • Wilmarth 12pts, 8r, 3a
  • Huge bench effort from McGuire 9pts, McCarthy 4pts, Rupp 2pts
  • HH led by dynamic duo of Wamack 23pts and Nendy 15pts

Basketball is now 4 – 1. Watch the replay. The Garnets face the Sleepy Hollow Horsemen on Thursday at 10:30am (watch it).


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