Q&A: Rye Neck Senior & Human Rights Award Winner Clara Reis

On Wednesday night, three local residents received awards from the City of Rye’s Human Rights Commission. Today meet 2023 Rye Youth Human Rights Award winner and Rye Neck senior Clara Reis. Read our other coverage on current and past award winners and the Human Rights Commission.

(PHOTO: Rye Neck School senior Clara Reis, winner of the 2023 Rye Youth Human Rights Award.)
(PHOTO: Rye Neck School senior Clara Reis, winner of the 2023 Rye Youth Human Rights Award.)

Your Name: Clara Reis

Your Role: President of Key Club at Rye Neck High School

MyRye.com: Describe yourself in one word: Empathetic

Where do you live in Rye or Rye Neck? 

Reis: I live in Greenhaven (Rye), a very close and welcoming neighborhood.

Tell us about the activity that led to the award.

Reis: I have been actively involved in community service throughout high school. I am currently the president of the Key Club and also help out in the Rye Neck International Committee. Besides working to help our community in school, I have also volunteered with other organizations such as the Children’s Dream Foundation, which provides grants to healthcare organizations to ensure that the highest pediatric healthcare is available to all children.

(PHOTO: Rye Neck School senior Clara Reis, winner of the 2023 Rye Youth Human Rights Award, with officers of Key Club at Rye Neck High School, with all the toys the group collected before the holidays for Toys for Tots. Left to right: Harrison Delaney, Reis, Eric Valdez, Ashley Hernandez, Rachelle Candamil, and Nicolette Capparelli.)
(PHOTO: Rye Neck School senior Clara Reis, winner of the 2023 Rye Youth Human Rights Award, with officers of Key Club at Rye Neck High School, with all the toys the group collected before the holidays for Toys for Tots. Left to right: Harrison Delaney, Reis, Eric Valdez, Ashley Hernandez, Rachelle Candamil, and Nicolette Capparelli.)

Why did you get started in this area–what or who prompted you to become involved? 

Reis: I have lived in multiple countries, which has taught me the importance of adaptability, open-mindedness, and the power of community. I am committed to supporting the communities I am a part of and aspire to do so as a future doctor.

Who nominated you for the award?

Reis: My high school principal, Ms. Folchetti, nominated me for this award

How did you hear you won the award? 

Reis: In my graphic arts and design class working on the yearbook when my principal surprised me with some exciting news – I had won an award. I was thrilled and deeply honored to be recognized for my work.

What’s next? 

Reis: As President of Key Club, I aim to increase our volunteering impact and strengthen the bond between our school and the wider community, and promote a spirit of service among our students.

Outside this work, what are three of your favorite things to do in and around Rye?


  1. Going for coffee on the high street.
  2. Buying Cadbury chocolates at Jerry’s.
  3. Hanging out with my friends at Greenhaven Beach.

Thanks Clara!


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