VIDEO: Nursery Field Presentation Delivered @ Council

City of Rye Nursery Field History & Background - March 6, 2024 City Council Presentation

The City of Rye Nursery Field History & Background – March 6, 2024 City Council Presentation – was made available late Wednesday. City staff is scheduled to review this presentation at the City Council meeting Wednesday evening.

In the wake of the presentation it is expect the Council will discuss its view of the proposal and the next steps it supports. It is not clear if any actions will be taken on Wednesday or if this will happen at subsequent meetings.


Here is the video of the presentation delivered at City Council. No immediate next steps were taken by the Council regarding the lifting of the Nursery Field “pause”. Councilmember Souza and Mayor Cohn advanced a motion to lift the pause but were outvoted by the other four members present (Nathan was not in attendance).


One Comment

  1. Props to MyRye for covering this subject – a big one – in depth and accurately.

    Double props because MyRye’s coverage of Nursery Field offers no hint about where the publisher stands. That’s a mark of good reporting.

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