Boys Varsity Tennis Frosts the Tigers

Rye Boys Varsity Tennis 2024-04-29

Rye Boys Varsity Tennis frosted the Tigers of Mamaroneck on Monday with a 4 – 2 win at Flint Park just down the Post Road. A tony result.

“It has been many years since Rye has pulled out a win against Mamaroneck and today’s 4-2 victory was done with a steadiness of a team learning to fight for every point and every game,” said Rye Boys Varsity Tennis Coach Sue Dickson. “The win was a sweet one. Mamaroneck’s number one player, Maxim Kalinin, did not play in this match. Despite the break, Rye still had depth in the line up to come out victorious.”

Number one singles player Henry Groves had a great win 6-1, 6-0 against Owen Zerbib. Third singles player Luke Gordon had a 6-1, 6-3 win over Hershelle Jadhav. First doubles team of Alex Gordon and Matthew Templeman had a solid win, 6-3, 6-2. Third doubles, captains Henry Paul and Henry Bagley, pulled out a great win by staying dialed in taking them 6-4, 6-3 win. Fourth doubles was pulled off the courts due to thunderstorms.

“It was a happy crew on the way home on the bus,” said Dickson.

The Gemstones are now 4 – 2 for the season. They host Scarsdale on Wednesday for a 4:30pm match at Disbrow Park.


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