Playland Operator Developing Sustainability Plan

(PHOTO: Rye Playland is now run by Standard Amusements.)
(PHOTO: Rye Playland.)

Standard Amusements, the operator of Playland, has partnered with Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) since 2023 to benchmark the historic amusement park’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG). The work will be the basis to develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy to guide the park’s development and operations as it enters its next hundred years (the park is 95 years old).

“While continuing to preserve and honor Playland’s rich history, our key priorities include improving our carbon footprint and focusing on the park’s sustainability to welcome families for the next generation,” said Evonne Keeler, chief executive officer of Playland.

Standard Amusements and JLL are developing strategies to reduce potable water usage, improve energy efficiency, increase the reuse of materials at the park, and a composting program. With its proximity to nature and the preserve, Playland will also feature green infrastructure and become a more climate-resilient facility as part of the new sustainability strategy, reducing negative impacts of the park to local ecosystems.

“We are thrilled to see Standard Amusements and JLL taking such a proactive approach to sustainability at Playland,” said Westchester County Deputy County Executive Ken Jenkins. “As one of the County’s most cherished destinations, it is critical that we continue to preserve the park’s history while making strides to reduce our carbon footprint and protect our environment for future generations.”

Eco-friendly initiatives are already underway at Playland including replacing old lighting with high efficiency LEDs, moving away from propane to clean all-electric cooking appliances for food service, and installing water refill stations throughout the campus. Additionally, the Standard Amusements team has already planted over 50 trees throughout Playland’s campus with more to come and has begun installing green roofs on buildings.

Standard Amusements said these are only the beginning steps of a larger sustainability transformation that Playland will be undertaking in the coming years to become an attraction for “best-in-class sustainability”.

“We are proud to be part of the journey for this historic gem of Westchester County and are excited to work together with Standard Amusements to build something special for decades to come,” said Adam Fisher, who leads JLL Sustainability Consulting for the Northeastern U.S.


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