Cars Stolen Across Rye, All Unlocked

It was a busy holiday weekend for stealing cars in the City of Rye. Once again, the cars stolen had been left unlocked by owners. This is despite ongoing pleas from the Rye PD for residents to remove key fobs and valuables from their cars and leave all vehicles locked.
Thursday, July 4th: Overdale Road. Rye PD recovered a stolen Hyundai out of Waterbury, Connecticut. The PD believes this is the vehicle that was used to bring the car thieves into town and has processed this car for DNA evidence.
Thursday, July 4th: Sound Road. A 2023 Maserati was stolen. Rye PD had a pursuit with the stolen Maserati into Connecticut. Ultimately, Rye PD terminated the chase due to the dangerous speed and reckless driving exhibited by the perpetrators. The car was subsequently recovered in Wolcott, Connecticut after being used in commercial burglaries in Connecticut and Massachusetts. It was found abandoned with no occupants and keys in the vehicle. The Maserati was processed by several Connecticut Police Departments after it was recovered and Rye PD is working with them to compare evidence.
Sunday, July 7th: Brookdale Avenue. A 2022 Chevy Equinox was stolen and has not been recovered. It is unknown if the keys were inside, but there was no broken glass where the vehicle was parked.
Sunday, July 7th: Valleyview Avenue. A 2022 Subaru Ascent was stolen and recovered same day in Bridgeport. It was abandoned with no occupants. The keys were in the vehicle and the car was unlocked at the time of theft.