Dust Off that 1985 Master Plan; Did Someone Say Police Blotter? (We Miss You!): Rye City Council Agenda for Wednesday, September 18, 2024

(PHOTO: A flood hazard map from the 1985 City of Rye Master Plan, the last master plan developed by the City. Item #8 at City Council on September 18, 2024, 39 years later: Report of Council sub-committee on comprehensive plan and possible Council action.)
(PHOTO: A flood hazard map from the 1985 City of Rye Master Plan, the last master plan developed by the City. Item #8 at City Council on September 18, 2024, 39 years later: Report of Council sub-committee on comprehensive plan and possible Council action.)

The city council’s agenda for its meeting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 is out. The meeting will also be aired on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We’ll also see you on the Internet (live and archive).

The Council will convene at 5:30pm and it is expected they will adjourn into Executive Session to discuss Playland Litigation.

Formal office hours of the Mayor and other officials have been suspended.

Let’s check the batting order and highlights from the 14 agenda items.

  • Open Mic. Members of the public may be heard on matters for Council consideration that do not appear on the agenda.
  • Greg’s Grist. Report of the City Manager.
  • Shades of Blue. Consideration of the proposed revisions of the Rules and Regulations of the City of Rye Police Department.
    • Policy # 347 – StarChase
    • Policy # 400 – Patrol
    • Policy # 401 – Bias-Based Policing
    • Policy # 402 – Line Up
    • Policy # 411 – Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Representatives
    • Policy # 601 – Sexual Assault Investigations
    • Policy # 610 – Facial Recognition Systems
    • Policy # 700 – Department-Owned and Personal Property
    • Policy # 701 – Personal Communication Devices
  • Did Someone Say Police Blotter? (We Miss You!) Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an inter-municipal agreement between the City of Rye and the County of Westchester for a RICI System to allow for the electronic transmission and storage of criminal records and police blotter.
  • Dust Off that 1985 Master Plan … Report of Council sub-committee on comprehensive plan and possible Council action.
  • Cost Driver. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to transfer funds from the General Fund’s Unassigned Fund Balance to the General Vehicle Replacement Account in the amount of $1,085,000.
  • Hersh. Resolution retroactively authorizing the City to lower the flag to half-mast on September 3, 2024.
  • eBay. Resolution to declare certain City equipment as surplus.
  • Cherry on Top. Resolution retroactively authorizing the Rye Free Reading Room to have the Longford’s ice cream truck at the Library/Haviland Lane on September 14, 2024.

The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 6:30pm.


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