Q&A with State Assembly Candidate Katie Manger

(PHOTO: Katie Manger, candidate for Westchester County Legislator, District 7.)
(PHOTO: Katie Manger, candidate for NYS Assembly 91.)

MyRye.com is running a series of interviews with major party candidates for Congress (NY-16), State Senate (NY District 37), State Assembly (NY District 91) and City Council. All Democratic and Republican candidates have been invited to participate. The 2024 general election is on Tuesday, November 5th.

Today we are pleased to present the MyRye.com Q&A interview with challenger State Assembly District 91 candidate Katie Manger. Manger, a Republican, is running against Democrat and incumbent Steve Otis in the general election.

MyRye.com: Why are you running for State Assembly District 91?

Manger: I am running for New York State Assembly because for some time I have seen too much dysfunction and nearly zero accountability in how Albany works. Like many of my neighbors, I am very uncomfortable with one party dominating every step of the legislative, as well as the judicial process… who is checking the executive branch? Where is the oversight of so many regulatory boards such as the Board of Regents or the Public Utilities Commission? It’s all very incestuous. 

Why are you running for State Assembly District 91 now?

Manger: I genuinely believe New York is at a moment of critical mass where years of unchecked, bad progressive policies are manifesting themselves by making life way too expensive, terribly unsafe and in particular for girls, very unfair. Sanctuary policies have cost taxpayers $5 billion and counting as we pay for hotels rooms, cell phones and debit cards for illegal migrants. Taxes and business regulations continue to drive the cost of living higher and pending radical legislation will threaten girls sports and womens’ safe spaces with the potential presence of biological males.

What are the three most important ways the State government can help the City of Rye?


  1. Create a small business-friendly environment by cutting suffocating regulations and payroll taxes. We need to help entrepreneurs rather than burden them with expense and expensive red tape so they may thrive, create jobs and contribute to the tax base.
  2. Once and for all finalize the planning, fully fund and FIX the perpetual problem of flooding in the Sound Shore.
  3. Protect the institution of home rule over local zoning. Albany bureaucrats know absolutely nothing about our neighborhoods, our roads or commercial areas, nor do they care to learn. Our towns know what is best for our towns and local state-level elected officials should be working for our best interests, not those of lobbyists or political cronies hundreds of miles away.

Whether or not the State is able to help or not, what are the three biggest opportunities / challenges facing the City of Rye over the next 3-5 years? 


  1. The viability of scholastic girls’ sports and the sanctity of safe spaces for females.
  2. The fiscal health of our towns as more residents flee to safer, less-expensive, states and take their expertise and revenue dollars with them.
  3. The continual, literal ebb and flow of flooding emergencies and rebuilding until elected officials finally make the hard choices and implement flood mitigation measures in vulnerable areas throughout the Sound Shore and beyond.

Who are three current elected or appointed State officials who you admire and why? 


  1. Assemblyman Matt Slater in the 94th Assembly District is on a very small island of opposition to the progressive supermajority in the assembly. He manages to dedicate so much time representing his constituents even while raising a young family and serving in the US Navy Reserve. I hope to join him in fighting the good fight to fix what the radicals have broken in New York.
  2. Congressman Mike Lawler is another young lawmaker who devotes himself to his work. I am especially impressed with Mike’s ability to work with anyone –regardless of party– to do what’s best for his district.
  3. Elyse Stefanik. Four words: Strong, smart, conservative, mom.

How much money have you raised for your campaign through August 15, 2024? 

Manger: Still fundraising.

Please list any organizations that have endorsed your candidacy: 

Manger: Have not sought endorsements other than those of the taxpayers in the 91st Assembly District. 

Please list any current elected officials that have endorsed your candidacy:

Manger: N/A

Please summarize your public service experience and contributions.

Manger: I am a volunteer with the National Parks Service.

Tell us about you:

(PHOTO: Katie Manger, candidate for Westchester County Legislator, District 7 with her sons Liam and Brendan.)
(PHOTO: Katie Manger, candidate for candidate for NYS Assembly 91 with her sons Liam and Brendan.)

How would your friends and family describe you in one word?

Manger: SuperWoman

Pick one:


Select from: Your Pick:
Coke or Pepsi? Seltzer
Regular or diet?
Action movie or rom com? Action film
Cook, order in or eat out? Order
Dog, cat or no pet? Dog
Balsamic vinaigrette or ranch? Balsamic
Ruffles Original, Lay’s Barbeque or Funyuns? No junk food
Still, sparkling or tap? Sparkling


What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?

Manger: As a young teen driving alone at night, I had my first flat tire. I will never forget and always appreciate the kind, good Samaritan who stopped and helped me. I’m genuinely grateful to this day.

What is your day job? 

Manger: I provide pro bono legal work for people in need of help with small consumer transactions.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why, and who would you take with you?

Manger: I would love to return to France –Paris is dear to me. I would love to see that beautiful city again with my family.

What is your favorite streaming / TV series ever? 

Manger: The Last Kingdom

What is your favorite movie? 

Manger: Pride and Prejudice and Good Fellas. I will not choose! 

Where do you live in Rye and how many years have you lived in the City? 

Manger: I have lived in Rye for 18 years. My home is within a stone’s throw of The Country Day School.

What affiliations do you have with organizations in Rye? 

Manger: N/A

What are three of your favorite food takeout / delivery restaurants in or around Rye? 


  1. Watermoon
  2. Little Thai Kitchen

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Manger: I enjoy sewing and carpentry.

Thanks Katie!

Learn more:

Katie Manger campaign website.

Katie Manger on X.

Katie Manger on Facebook.


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