Mayor Bestows Service Award on Two Land Use Stewards

Rye Mayor Josh Cohn has bestowed the annual John Carey Award to two of the City’s land use stewards. The award, named after a former Rye mayor, is bestowed by the City’s mayor each year and recognizes volunteer service to the City. Cohn chose two land use stewards as recipients – Nick Everett, chair of the Planning Commission and Alan Weil, chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Everett has served the City for 30 years, since 1995, originally on the Board of Architectural Review. He switched to the Planning Commission in 2004 and became its chair in 2011. He holds the position today (see Meet the Planning Commission and its Chair Nick Everett).
Alan Weil has served the City since 1997 on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Weil became chair in 2003. He holds the position today.
“I know that from time to time, the decision or action of the planning commission or ZBA may be controversial,” said Mayor Cohn when he announced the awards at the last City Council meeting.
I can’t say I agree with every single one myself, whether within my tenure as mayor or not, but I recognize Alan and Nick’s great care in regard for the individuals before them and for the city, not to mention their care and regard for the laws that bind their panels and for which they are so often blamed.”
Both recipients hailed the City of Rye staff including the city clerks they worked with over the years, City Planner Christian Miller and Corporation Counsel Kristen Wilson.
The award is named after John Carey, who was a veteran of World War II, served as Mayor of the City of Rye as well as City Councilman, was an accomplished attorney and legal scholar of international human rights law, a Westchester County Judge and Acting Supreme Court Judge. He was appointed to the United Nations Subcommission on the Prevention of Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities, where he served for nearly 25 years. He was well known for being a strong coalition builder, and for his acquisition of Rye Golf Club and a public beach next to Playland Amusement Park.
Watch the short ceremony held in the City Council chambers at Rye City Hall: