Conservation Commission Appoints Junior Commish from Rye High School

The City of Rye Conservation Commission/Advisory Council (CC/AC) welcomed its fourth Junior Commissioner at a ceremony at Rye City Hall. Ava Perota, a sophomore at Rye High School who is active in the Billion Oyster Project, was sworn in on Tuesday, March 11th by Rye City Clerk Noga Ruttenberg.
“The Junior Commissioner role was established in 2021 to empower the next generation of leaders and help shape the future of our community,” said Tracy Stora, chairperson. “The CC/AC is proud to support this important position.”
Perota will be the fourth junior commissioner. She has committed to upholding the Rye City Codes in her new role, which she will hold through March 2026. Ella Froah, the junior member for 2024-2025, was recognized at the same city hall ceremony for her outstanding service to the CC/AC. Froah will continue to support Perota throughout the remainder of the school year.
“I’m honored to take on the role of Jr. Commissioner of the Rye CC/AC and am excited to make a difference in our community,” said Perota. “I look forward to engaging the youth and my peers through education and advocacy about environmental issues during my term.”
Perota will serve for one year and attend all commission meetings, attend site visits, conduct policy research, assist with educational programming and social media outreach, learn about the City of Rye’s wetland and land use laws, create a digital photographic archive of Rye’s wetlands and other conservation areas and database of native, non-native and invasive species that former Jr. Commissioner Leo Roth established.
Read: Meet the Conservation Commission/Advisory Council and its Chair Tracy Stora.