25 Past Rye Golf Workers Protest, Ask for Gratuities Owed

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About 25 past Rye Golf workers protested at Rye City hall Wednesday night to raise awareness on an in-process class action suit against the City to recover lost gratuities (and interest, etc.) totaling $4 million.

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We heard from Brent Pelton of Pelton Graham, the firm pressing the lawsuit for the workers. He told MyRye.com "We had around 25 workers attend to raise awareness to the fact that after over three years, they still haven't been paid any of their misappropriated gratuities. The citizens with whom we spoke as well as numerous passing motorists expressed support, so much so that Mayor Sack even came out to speak with the workers, expressing a desire to resolve the issue. The workers similarly want to resolve this claim but are frustrated by the delay. This is an issue of justice and fairness and the RGC workers plan on continuing their protests until The City of Rye pays them their unpaid overtime and misappropriated gratuities."

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(PHOTO: RYe Mayor Joe Sack talks to FIOS News at the protest.)




  1. This protest and especially the fourth picture is so distressing and embarrassing just like Hen Island that has been going on for so long. If you have ever worked in the hospitality industry you know how hard they work for their money. It’s like the Doug French administration all over again. Same song different singers. Taxpayers flipping the bill for political mistakes.I also thought Joe would fix it but he is just another politician who gives into political pressures and now the entire city is talking about him. Yandrasevich should of had a few cellmates that condoned and enabled his behavior. Pay these people already. It should never of gotten this far. Why can’t we get it right in Rye? I must take some of the blame, I voted for him to.

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