Rye Planning Commish Tuesday: Old Mobil Gas Station Converting Repair Bay to Convenience Store
The planning commission is Tuesday, July 21, 2015.
Looks like the Mobil gas station – or at least the garage part of it – at 69 Theodore Fremd Avenue – is being converted into a convenience store.
Anything else catch your eye? Submit a comment below.
July 21, 2015, 7:00 PM, Held in the City Council Hearing Room of the Rye City Hall
1. 69 Theodore Fremd Avenue, the old Mobil Gas Station
Required Approval(s): Site Plan(SP#356) & Wetland Permit (WP#394)
Location: 69 Theodore Fremd Avenue, Sheet 146.7, Block 2, Lot(s) 1
Applicant: CPD Energy c/o Harfenist Kraut & Perlstein LLP
Project Description: Remove the existing repair bay and convert the entirety of the existing structure into a convenience store.
1. 69 Theodore Fremd Avenue
See Description Above
2. Shenorock Shore Club
Required Approval(s): Site Plan(SP#358) & Wetland Permit (WP#396)
Location: 475 Stuyvesant Avenue, Sheet 153.18, Block 1, Lot(s) 9
Applicant: Shenorock Shore Club
Project Description: Replacing a portion of the main Clubhouse damaged by fire in the 1970’s. Also an expansion to the existing cabanas facilities.
3. 11 Elm Place
Required Approval(s): Site Plan (SP# 322) One year extension
Location: 11 Elm Place, Sheet 146.07, Block 2, Lot(s) 15
Applicant: Dr. Gunther Grewe, member Elm LLC
Project Description: Addition of third story to existing two-story building and off-site sidewalk improvements.
4. 57 Midland Avenue
Required Approval(s): Wetland Permit(WP#398)
Location: 57 Midland Avenue, Sheet 146.19, Block 1, Lot(s) 43
Applicant: Wa’l Dudin
Project Description: Installing a fence around the front yard.
5. Minutes