Dems Field Three for Rye City Council Race in Fall

The Rye Democrats are fielding three candidates for the Rye City Council race this fall.

Here is their PR on the topic:

Hurd, Tagger-Epstein and Taylor Run to Boost Council Responsiveness

Emily Proskine Hurd, Danielle Tagger-Epstein and Jeffrey Taylor announced that they are running on the Democratic, Independence and Working Families tickets for Rye City Council. In a joint statement, they said, "While we are united by our deep commitment to serving Rye, our diverse backgrounds will provide a fresh perspective to the City Council. We look forward to promoting increased dialog within the Council, as well as working closely with Rye residents and encouraging more public participation in city decisions.”

Emily Proskine Hurd

Emily Proskine Hurd serves on the Board of the Rye Nature Center and is an active member of Resurrection Church. She has co-chaired the Nature Center’s Oktoberfest fundraiser and served as Board Secretary for Voluntravel, a local non­profit specializing in international volunteer trips for high school students and families. She led a neighborhood campaign against overdevelopment in the Milton Point area that culminated in a law change to the Rye City Code. She is a former Fulbright scholar and a lawyer with a background in international policy and corporate law. She lives on Green Ave. with her husband and three sons, the older two of whom attend Rye Presbyterian Nursery School.

Danielle Tagger-Epstein

Danielle Tagger-Epstein serves on the Board of the Community Synagogue of Rye. Other volunteer activities include chairing the Health and Wellness Committee in the Rye Neck School District, co-chairing the Community Synagogue of Rye Early Childhood Center’s Garden Committee and participating in meetings of Greenhaven’s Deer Task Force. She has worked in marketing and human resources and served as a 9/11 First Responder. She lives on Boston Post Road in the Greenhaven neighborhood of Rye with her husband and two daughters, who attend Community Synagogue Nursery School and Bellows.

Jeff- Taylor

Jeff Taylor has volunteered in Osborn School as a Famous Artist lecturer, and served as President of the Board of the Rye Arts Center. After serving in the Peace Corps, he lived, worked and earned a PhD in Budapest. He is the founder and CEO of Taylor Art Advisors, which specializes in the Central European art market, and Assistant Professor of Arts Management at SUNY Purchase. He lives on High Street with his wife and son, who attends Osborn School.

Emily Proskine Hurd said, “Infrastructure and development are at a tipping point in Rye. We need a new Master Plan, and I have the legal and policy background to ensure that we develop one that represents all stakeholders, enhances the wonderful neighborhood quality of life in Rye and successfully guides our great City in the important years ahead.”

Danielle Tagger-Epstein said, “I love Rye, and as a City Council member I would do everything I could to tackle its problems and guard its assets. I would address deer overpopulation before Rye suffers major deforestation, and make sure we miss no opportunity for flood control, energy efficiency and infrastructure maintenance.”

Jeff Taylor said, “I have been interested in public service and government all my life. Now, in Rye, I have found a community that I belong to and call home, and I am eager to serve. My background in cultural management gives me a unique perspective and has prepared me to contribute on matters ranging from the City budget to Rye Town Park.”

Rye Democratic Committee Chair Meg Cameron said, “We have three outstanding candidates – smart, energetic, public-spirited people who would represent the interests of the entire community. Emily, Danielle and Jeff could help the City Council find a middle path between the previous Council’s quarreling and the current Council’s rubber-stamping. They have leadership ability, enthusiasm and personal integrity and would do a great job on the Council.”


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