LETTER: Pride Flag Prompts Consideration of Other Flags

PRIDE flag

In a letter to MyRye.com, Rye resident James Purcell says the raising of the Pride flag each June should prompt consideration of other flags.

James Purcell has lived on Chamberlain Street in Rye since 1979. He worked for thirty years as a public school teacher and administrator in New York State. Then, he spent 18 years in education sales and marketing in the software industry including Autodesk, Pinnacle and Avid. He retired in 2007.

Some thoughts as we seek a suitable place and flagstaff for our recently approved PRIDE display. We should also consider other flags that we might fly.

Some possibilities would be: 9/11, Navy Day, Marine Corps Birthday, MLK Birthday, Little League Opening Day, National Library Week, The Garnets Flag, Veteran’s Day, Cinco de Mayo.

As for a place to put it, I would suggest next to the traffic kiosk across from City Hall. Its height should be such that it is lower than the nearby US Flags that are currently flown.

-James Purcell


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