Boys Varsity Tennis Puts Pelham in Meat Grinder

Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Pelham 05-22-2021 - 1 - Credit- Daniel Roberts
Senior Dylan Rodilosso of the Boys Varsity Tennis Team. Credit: Daniel Roberts

Rye Boys Varsity Tennis puts Pelham in the meat grinder Friday afternoon 7-0 at a home match.

“Senior Dylan Rodilosso made his debut as a singles player and had a solid defeat of Luca Dennison 6-3, 6-0,” said Rye Boys Varsity Tennis Sue Dickson. Rye played well and won all matches Friday. Each match was competitive but with a confident sweep in singles, it came down to the doubles. Three of the four teams won in straight sets and there was one exciting super tiebreaker at second doubles.

The season shifts to 3-4.

Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Pelham 05-22-2021 - 4 - Credit- Daniel Roberts


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