Where I Work: Brava’s Jenny Hogan

Where I Work - 08 - 2021 - Jenny Hogan
(PHOTO: Hogan in the dance studio whilst teaching a class)

Where I Work showcases people who work in Rye. The feature is inspired in part by exploring how the pandemic has impacted our work environment and part by wanting to understand how and where people work inside the City of Rye.

Your Name: Jenny Hogan

Your Company: I am the Owner and Director of Brava Dance Center in Rye—We have a studio on Purchase Street and another location on Theodore Fremd Avenue.

MyRye.com: What do you do?

Hogan: I oversee and run all of the programs offered at my Studio, teach dance, run a competitive dance company and an Ensemble Performance group and run a small boutique which carries dance attire and Brava Merchandise.

Where do you work?

Where I Work - 08 - 2021 - Brava Dance studio
(PHOTO: A look into one of Brava’s dance classes)

Hogan: I work in the dance studios, teaching class and running dance rehearsals. I have an office at my Theodore Fremd location at a desk at Brava Purchase Street and I also work constantly from my laptop wherever I am!  Brava is entering its 12th season.

Describe your desk and office.

Where I Work- 08 - 2021- Jenny sign
(PHOTO: Hogan and her “Work Hard, Stay Humble” sign at her desk

Hogan: My dance studios have a lot of natural light and my Purchase Street studio has a beautiful exposed brick wall.  I have 3 sunlit studios at Theo Fremd and my office has 2 large glass storefront windows, so I can also see into one of my studios from my office. 

I can hear the beautiful classical ballet music, and cool contemporary and musical theatre songs from both of my desk locations, when I am not in the studios teaching, which I love.  I love being surrounded by the students.  I couldn’t live without my iMac computers and of course my Macbook or my cell phone. 

I have an amazing, talented and dedicated teaching staff and Company Director and a Studio Director who support me immensely at Brava!  My studio walls are filled with special dance photos of my daughters and dancers, posters from professional shows our dancers have been in and a shelf with lots of trophies earned by my Company dancers. 

My desk has special cards and pictures my students and friends have made and given to me, family photos of my 4 children and a plaque that says Work Hard, Stay Humble.  Lots of hand sanitizer and of course, masks. Another saying that sums up why I do what I do is DANCE TRAINING IS LIFE TRAINING, which I truly believe.

Where I Work - 08 - 2021 - Jenny Hogan Desk at studio
(PHOTO: A view of Hogan’s desk and the Brava lobby)


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