Girls Varsity Tennis Does Double Damage to Eastchester

(PHOTO: Senior Day at Manursing Island Club. Bottom row seniors Morgan Delizia, Drew Burnham, Charlotte Ausfahl, and Juliette Stone were celebrated by their teammates.)
(PHOTO: Senior Day at Manursing Island Club. Bottom row seniors Morgan Delizia, Drew Burnham, Charlotte Ausfahl, and Juliette Stone were celebrated by their teammates.)

Rye Girls Varsity Tennis did double damage to Eastchester on Thursday, taking the double header 6-1 and 4-1.

“Dominant Doubles day,” said Rye Girls Varsity Tennis Anthony Campbell. “To make up for a rainout, we attempted a tennis double header playing Eastchester twice in one afternoon. In winning the first match 6-1, and then the second 4-1 (when two singles matches had to stop due to darkness) the team was powered by a sweep of the doubles winning all 8 pro sets.”

The Manursing Island Club generously made their courts available to the team this season after the Rye Rec courts were damaged by Ida. The team needed extra court space provided by Manursing to pull off the double header match sweep, keeping it in the running for the League title.

The team’s record improves to 6-2. The team plays at Harrison 4:30pm Friday.


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