Where I Work: Rye Country Day School’s Head of School Scott Nelson

Where I Work showcases people who work in Rye. The feature is inspired in part by exploring how the pandemic has impacted our work environment and part by wanting to understand how and where people work inside the City of Rye.

Today we meet Rye Country Day School’s Head of School Scott Nelson.

Do you know someone we should interview for Where I WorkTell us!

(PHOTO: Rye Country Day School Headmaster Scott Nelson with Willy the Wildcat.)
(PHOTO: Rye Country Day School Headmaster Scott Nelson with Willy the Wildcat. Credit: RCDS.)

Your Name: Scott Nelson

Your company: Rye Country Day School

MyRye.com: What do you do?

Nelson: Head of School

Where do you work?

Nelson: I work from my school office, which is currently situated between the Lower School and Middle School offices. I have been head of RCDS for 28 years so this is the third location for my office on campus. This past year I have occasionally participated in evening Zoom sessions from the dining room table at home; however, since I live on campus, it usually is just easier to go back to my office for these sessions.

Describe your desk and office.

(PHOTO: Rye Country Day School Headmaster Scott Nelson. Credit: RCDS.)
(PHOTO: Rye Country Day School Headmaster Scott Nelson. Credit: RCDS.)

Nelson: My office is centrally located in the Main Building so I get to see students, faculty, and staff throughout the day. My desk has various files for different projects I am working on. I have a list of school telephone extensions under a clear plastic mat on the desk and a printed school directory in the top drawer.

A computer with a large monitor dominates most of the desk space. I have a few photos of my family, including our two granddaughters. Besides some RCDS photos I have a large framed American flag that an alumnus sent us from his Marine outpost in Iraq after the Lower School sent boxes of items we collected for his soldiers.

I also have my favorite Norman Rockwell poster – Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. There is a couch and several chairs for the numerous meetings that take place in my office.


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