School Reform + Our Schools – Wednesday Meeting

Is education reform sabotaging our schools? Do more students mean more money for teachers to not? Do too many resources go to testing? Discuss these topics with fellow parents:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
7:30 PM
Rye High School Performing Arts Center

More Money for Teachers

There is no budget allowance for increasing enrollment. Rye's enrollment has grown by over 200 students in the last 5 years, but we have had to cut 59 full-time positions.

Your Child's Privacy is at Stake

NY State is on the verge of signing a contract with a 3rd party vendor to keep all student data in a cloud environment. They cannot promise data security – includes test scores and disciplinary records.

¼ of Your Child's Academic Year Is Consumed by Testing

Already tight funds are redirected to testing from instructional materials. The external pressure felt by teachers to produce acceptable standardized test scores forces them to spend more time on test-taking strategies and less time on creative and intellectual activities which are so important for our children.

We Have the Power to Initiate Change

A simple email or letter to legislators can make a difference. Come to this panel discussion, we'll provide the letters and email addresses.


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