Meet Kirstin Bucci, Rye City Council Candidate

Today we introduce you to Rye City council candidate Kirstin Bucci:

Kirstin Bucci picture

What are the three most important issues for Rye in 2014?

  1. Implementing checks and balances.
  2. Continuing to develop a long-term strategic plan to return Rye Golf Club to profitability.
  3. Negotiating contracts with the police, fire and DPW personnel.

Rye Playland. Questions:

  1. Which of the Rye Playland alternatives do you favor? I fully support the concept of upgrading Playland and adding field space.  I believe the initial SPI plan is the best proposal, but I would like to see a continued analysis of the traffic, noise, flooding and environmental impacts of the plan. I would also like to see favorable provisions and/or access at Playland for Rye residents.
  2. Do you believe the financial performance of Rye Playland has been misstated by the County Executive (yes or no) and should the financial statements of Rye Playland be audited by an independent auditor?  No.  Probably.
  3. What’s your favorite ride at Rye Playland and why?  The Carousel because it’s the only ride that everyone in our family can do.

Rye City Budget and Infrastructure. Questions:

  1. What percentage of the city’s budget is comprised of healthcare and pension contributions?  Healthcare and pension contributions represent roughly one quarter of Rye’s $31M annual budget.
  2. What can and should Rye be doing to control city employee healthcare and pension costs?  Continued review and negotiation of our provider agreements and employee contributions. 
  3. Infrastructure in Rye: The Central Avenue Bridge in Rye was replaced this year, six years after it was washed out in the floods of 2007. Questions:
    1. What are the three most important infrastructure projects in Rye City?
      1. Train station plaza
      2. The projects funded by the recent bond referendum
      3. Sidewalks
  4. Is it ever appropriate to defer needed infrastructure maintenance or improvements even if in the end the deterioration results in a more expensive project?   No.  If there is not enough money, then it becomes an analysis of borrowing costs versus the added costs of a delayed project. .
  5. What is the best way to fund infrastructure?  Grants, operating revenue, and well-considered bond financing.

Flooding in Rye. Questions:

  1. What has been done in Rye since the 2007 floods to mitigate future flooding? Numerous studies and discussions, and the installation of the sluice gate at Bowman Avenue.
  2. What still needs to be done to mitigate flooding concerns in Rye City?  Continued analysis of the recently commissioned reports to develop a long-term plan.

Rye Town Park. Questions:

  1. Should Rye City own and run Rye Town Park, yes or no?  No.  Rye Town Park is shared and enjoyed by both Rye City and Rye Town residents. 
  2. If the government entity Rye Town is dissolved and goes away, should the park fall under the ownership and control of Rye City, Westchester County or someone else? Rye City, but the park should continue to benefit all local residents.
  3. Should dogs be allowed off leash in the park, yes or no? Yes, before 9 a.m.

The TD Smoke Shop on Purchase Street. Questions:

  1. Should the Smoke Shop stay open, yes or no? Yes.
  2. Should the Smoke Shop stay open even if it means the City needs to intervene with the building owner or others, yes or no? Yes.

The Rye Golf Club has been mired in scandal and badly mismanaged. Questions:

  1. Does the Rye City Manager Scott Pickup hold responsibility for mismanagement and if so, what consequences should befall Mr. Pickup?  The City of Rye signed the checks and allowed very loose oversight and accounting practices, so it is difficult to deny responsibility. 
  2. In the future, what needs to be done to place proper auditing and financial controls?  Implement checks and balances, and allow City Council members direct access to information.
  3. What specifically should happen with the dining facility at Whitby Castle? The City should issue a Request for Proposals for the restaurant and catering operations.
  4. Should Rye Golf Club members be forced to pay a $300 food minimum, yes or no?  That is definitely a question that the members need to address.  The required $300 food minimum subsidizes the unprofitable restaurant operations.  The RFP is likely to clarify the options. 

Green issues in Rye. Questions:

  1. Is Rye being overbuilt, yes or no?  Built, yes.  Overbuilt, no.
  2. Should there be rules about cutting down trees of a certain size or age? Who doesn’t love trees?  I don’t think we should cut trees down unless they are unhealthy or dangerous.  The language of any rule would be important.
  3. Do you support the plastic bag ban in Rye, yes or no? Yes.
  4. Should we cull the deer population in Rye, yes or no? Yes.
  5. What else should we be doing to make Rye a sustainable city?  The Rye Sustainability Plan offers a lot of good options, including ways to make Rye more walking and biking friendly.

Word Association: tell us the one word you associate with each of these topics:

Scott Pickup: Equivocating
Doug French: Challenged
Steve Otis: Service
George Latimer: Solid
Judy Myers: Retiring
Bill Connors: Resigned
Rye City: Fabulous
Central Avenue Bridge: Hurray!
Bowman Avenue Dam Sluice Gate: Positive
The Smoke Shop: Classic
Rye Little League Parade: Quintessential
Rye Recreation: Community
Plastic Bag Ban: Solution
Rye Playland: Potential
Rye Marshlands Conservancy: Nature
Edith Read Sanctuary: Running
Rye Garnet Football: Strong
Harrison Huskie Football: Competitor

Tell Us About Your Campaign:

What “ticket(s)” are you running on? Rye United. 

Who else (if applicable) is running on your ticket?  Joe Sack for Mayor, Julie Killian and Terry McCartney for City Council.

What local organizations have endorsed your candidacy?  Republican, Conservative, Independent.

What are the three most important endorsements you have received from local residents?  My family, my neighbors and my friends.

How much money has your campaign raised as of Sunday, October 20, 2013? For questions regarding campaign finance, please see the detailed filings on the New York State Board of Elections website.

How much of the money raised to date is from you, your immediate family or relatives?  no answer

How much of the money raised to date is from individual donations of $100 or less?  no answer

What percentage of money has been spent on postal mailings to Rye homes? no answer

What percentage of money has been spent on advertisements in local newspapers or web sites? no answer

What comprises the other major expenditures? no answer

Who is your campaign manager and where do they live?  No campaign manager.

Tell Us More About You:

Where do you live in Rye?   19 Reymont Avenue

How long have you lived in Rye – since what year?  2003

What’s your day job?  Mom

If your co-workers (from your day job) were to describe you in a single word, what word would they use?  Determined

Did you have a summer job in high school and if so, what was it?  I had a couple of jobs.  I started babysitting when I was 12 years old.  At 14, I was a hostess in a local restaurant.  At 16, I was a lifeguard. 

Tell us about your family.  Andy and I have been married for 15 years and we have three daughters: Audrey (6th grade), Claire (4th grade) and Tessa (Kindergarten).  All at Rye schools.

What’s your favorite Rye area restaurant for “date night” with your partner? Koo

What’s your favorite Rye area restaurant for take-out or delivery when you are having dinner at home with your family?  My kids love Planet Pizza!!

Where might we find you on a Sunday morning?  Riding my bike, as long as it’s not too cold.

What is your most unusual skill?  It’s not unusual, but I like to bake.

What is your political affiliation?  Democrat

Your favorite major league baseball team:  Red Sox

Your Facebook page:

Your twitter call: n/a

Your campaign web site:

Thanks Kirstin!


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