Rye PD Commish Connors To Retire

Just released from Rye City, Police Commish Connors will retire in January. What do you think? Leave a comment below.

The announcement from City Hall:

City of Rye Police Commissioner Announces Retirement

City of Rye Police Commissioner William R. Connors has announced his resignation for purposes of retirement, effective January 16, 2014.

Commissioner Connors was appointed on January 15, 2001, following a twenty-year career in the New York City Police Department. He has not announced any future plans this time. “I have loved my career in policing,” said Connors. “It has been an honor to be part of this noble profession for thirty-three years, and especially to have served this community and worked with the outstanding members of this Department. But I have hoped, for myself and my family, that I would be able to take some time to restore a proper work/life balance while I am young enough to enjoy it. I think this is more likely to be a sabbatical rather than permanent retirement, but it is the right time to take some time off.”

City Manager Scott Pickup acknowledged the many accomplishments of Commissioner Connors during his tenure in Rye. Connors recently oversaw the Department’s successful reaccreditation assessment by the New York State Law Enforcement Accreditation Council in July. Accredited agencies must undergo a complete assessment every five years. City Manager Pickup also extended his thanks to the Commissioner who deferred his original leave date to assist in crucial City planning. Commissioner Connors will steer the 2014 budget planning and preparation as well as assist in transition planning of the Department to ensure continuity of operations during the hurricane season in light of the severe storms that impacted the City during the past two years.

Mayor French noted, "I have been at the Commissioner's side during some of the most trying times in Rye's recent memory – coyote attacks, multiple major weather events, and serious criminal acts. He is a highly respected public safety professional across the County and Rye will greatly miss his leadership and guidance. I personally thank him for staying on to ensure a smooth transition. We will be authorizing the City Manager to post for his replacement and will put together a representative committee to assist in the hiring process."

“The City of Rye has been a challenging and demanding place to work,” said the Commissioner, “but it has been a truly rewarding experience. The residents of our City and the members of the Department should know that for these thirteen years I have devoted every bit of my energy toward one goal: doing what is right for this City, its residents, and the members of this Department. I plan to continue to do that until January.”



  1. I have never read so much crap describing someone. He was not a good man and a terrible leader. Talk to any police officer in Rye and moral is terrible. Talk to police chiefs/ commissioners in other depts and they do not like the man so he is not respected.

  2. LOL!!!

    You will have to excuse my late response, I have been cleaning up the foam coming from my mouth since this story broke (although I knew long b4 the press release, tee hee, ha, ha)!

    This is my comment posted on Rye Patch:



    Mayor French –
    “I have been at the Commissioner’s side during some of the most trying times in Rye’s recent memory – coyote attacks, multiple major weather events, and serious criminal acts.”

    TRANSLATION: “I have been at the Commissioner’s side during some of the most serious criminal acts we have taken part in”

    Commissioner Connors –
    “The City of Rye has been a challenging and demanding place to work,”
    The residents of our City and the members of the Department should know that for these thirteen years I have devoted every bit of my energy toward one goal: doing what is right for this City, its residents, and the members of this Department. I plan to continue to do that until January.”

    TRANSLATION: “I have single handily made the City of Rye a very challenging and demanding place to work,” “The residents of our City and the members of the Department should know that for these thirteen years I have devoted every bit of my energy toward one goal: Doing what is right for me and me only as I make each and every Rye Resident and member of the Department miserable and I will continue to do this until January”

    City Manager Scott Pickup –
    “City Manager Scott Pickup acknowledged the many accomplishments of Commissioner Connors during his tenure in Rye.”

    TRANSLATION: “Commissioner Connors has over seen and or has played a role in the corruption at the RGC, the Police Uniform Bid, the cover up of none other than the stain on Rye herself Mrs. Suzanna Keith, and countless other behaviors from his department he has ignored or covered up”

    I for one will miss you Commissioner Connors!

    P.S. Please keep your hands out of the cookie jar until January!

  3. As you read the article, the quotes from the 3 biggest stooges that have ever had the privilege to grace our City with their presence will surely make us all PUKE!!!

    The audacity and arrogance of these 3 clowns, every time they drop their pants more s*** comes from their mouths, I am so sick of these people, where did they ever get the notion they are above any of us???

    At one time I gave it all I had, every one was telling me they were taking me for a ride, I tried so hard to give them the benefit of the doubt, what a fool I was to think there was good in these people, I have never let my guard down that low and I will surely never do it again!!!

    All I can say now is……COME ON JANUARY!!!!

  4. The only accomplishment of Connors that I believe Pickup and French really care about is he kept them out of jail. So far.

    Connors never cared about Rye, the cops that work here or the people who live here. This was painfully obvious to anyone who had to deal with this a$$hole.

    Just ask the kid Connors ran over while talking on his cell phone.

    Or ask the guy who submitted a legitimate bid for police uniforms that Connors improperly rejected prior to giving the Rye City Council the fraudulent bid to approve.

    Or ask RM Staffing about the $250,000 payment that Connors approved for them.

    Or ask Connors where the other $1,000,000 in purchase orders are that disappeared for RM Staffing and RGC.

    Or ask Connors why he didn’t investigate the false sworn affidavits submitted to Westchester Supreme Court by Nodarse and Shew regarding a RGC event in 2008 for Susie Morison.

  5. To City Mngr Scott Pickup, Mayor French, Commissioner Connors,



    Jim Amico


    Rye was in the news again last week when New York State decided for first time in 15 years to have all STAR Tax Exemption recipients re-register.

    Of course, we all know who was taking money he wasn’t entitled to until those sick of the lies and deceptions at city hall blew the whistle.

    LausDeo10580 puts Mr. French’s Fraudulent Filings in perspective for unaware and honest local taxpayers –


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