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Put Your Smart Phone Down and Keep Your Eyes on the Road

If your driving, read this later! There is a Heard in Rye Event tonight, April 4, 2013:

Hang Up and Drive
Thursday, April 4 @ 7:30 p.m.
Rye Middle School Multipurpose Room
3 Parsons Street, Rye

"Hang Up and Drive" will be presented by Jacy Good as part of the 2012-13 Heard in Rye Speaker Series. This lecture will take place on Thursday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rye Middle School Multipurpose Room (3 Parsons Street in Rye). Admission is free. Everyone is welcome.

(VIDEO: Jacy on Oprah.)

During this session, Jacy will emphasize the importance of safety as well as the consequences associated with distracted driving. She is active in her mission of teaching others about these topics after experiencing a tragic event on her college graduation day, when she lost both her parents and sustained life-long injuries due to a car accident caused by a distracted driver. Jacy and her fiancée, Steve Johnson, (who is part of the presentation in video form), have been speaking to audience across the country to share their perspectives on this senseless tragedy.  Johnson, who was the first to receive the devastating news, has supported Jacy through her recovery process and shares her goals of spreading this message.

Jacy's experience has been featured on a number of print and television outlets, and she has also been a guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show and at Maria Shriver's Women's Conference. She has visited the United Nations and has presented at conferences nationwide. Her lectures leave an impact on the audiences she addresses, bringing an understanding to others that the decisions they make behind the wheel can have an irreparable impact.

  1. I have taken the liberty to post on MYRYE a recent article from Robin Jovanovich, published in this week’s Rye Record. When commented on in the record website Robin deletes any post that she does not agree with or would in any way question the credibility of her husband the deputy Mayor or his running mate Mayor French. If anyone would have any comments, please feel free to comment, sensor free.

    The Proof Is in the Progress

    By Robin Jovanovich

    It happens every spring. Residents come out of hibernation and start looking around our fair city. The complaints don’t vary much from year to year.

    “When are they going to do something about that intersection? Are they ever going to fix Milton Road? Was it legal to cut down so many trees and put up that big a house?”

    Meanwhile, City staff and the City Council, have been working hard trying to move infrastructure repairs forward and get us past crimes (the ex-Rye Golf Club Manager) and bad judgment calls (the taped but reportedly not taped Fire Department workshop).

    Why doesn’t it appear that way to many residents? Perhaps because a few voluble and unrelenting critics come to the podium meeting after meeting and throw punches (more than a few under the belt) at the Mayor, the City Manager, and the Council.

    Councilwoman Laura Brett says, “The lengthy criticisms by a few residents at Council meetings are more than a distraction. I feel bogged down by the negative.”

    Fellow Councilmember Julie Killian agrees. “I am frustrated that the same subjects continue to take up far too much time at our meetings.” She’d like to see “more order” at the meetings, and she feels speakers who are making “the same negative accusations should be immediately cut off.”

    Councilwoman Peter Jovanovich feels that “We need to find a way back to a proper attitude — respectful and attentive. The Council has become embroiled in process to the dereliction of progress, and we have tangible problems to be solved.”

    Meanwhile, Killian pointed out, the Council has miles to go on its four-year financial plan, its energy audit, renewing the Rye Arts Center’s lease “early”, to name a few of the items on the City’s desired agenda.

    “We should be talking about the things we hope to accomplish soon — dredging at Milton Harbor — and the news that will have a positive impact on the community — the prospect of another retailer at 1037 Boston Post Road,” added Brett. She is working with the Landmarks Advisory Commission on a plan to ensure that some of our older homes will be preserved.

    All three Councilmembers we spoke to pointed to the encouraging developments: the Sluice Gate has been inspected and will be up and running shortly, the Rye Golf Club Commission is working more closely with members, and the City has managed to sustain services through the Great Recession even though it cut 14 percent of its staff.

    And all three would like to see more frequent use of the gavel — when called for — at Council meetings, so that they can work through the issues before them and get past rewind.

  2. Ray,

    This is the email I just sent out to you, my friends/family & ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS:

    Your twists on the “complete truth” never seem to amaze me Robin, very disappointing!

    First let me address the insult within your article:
    “Perhaps because a few voluble and unrelenting critics come to the podium meeting after meeting and throw punches (more than a few under the belt) at the Mayor, the City Manager, and the Council.”

    Given that I happen to be one of the few relentless ones, I take great exception to this comment.
    Had our Council & Mayor handled City business with complete transparency (FTR – I HATE THIS WORD) & honesty & actually RESOLVED all matters presented to them you would not see this taking place. I am relentless because I happen to CARE & unlike what you write I tell it like it is!!!

    I FOR ONE ROBIN, WOULD LIKE YOU TOO ELABORATE ON THIS: “throw punches (more than a few under the belt)”….exactly word for word just what is it that you are referring too????

    As for the quotes you have presented by Councilwomen Killian & Brett, you seemed to have left out the remains & purpose of their quote??? They were pointing out that we “must first” RESOLVE the matters before them, find a way to have them not repeat themselves so we can then……and this is where you picked up their quotes from. I, we the citizens of Rye expect the same from you & all local media members that we expect from our Elected Officials & City Manager….TRANSPARENCY & HONESTY!!!

    As for Councilman Jovanovich’s quote:“We need to find a way back to a proper attitude — respectful and attentive.”
    Councilman Jovanovich should practice what he preaches & then preach this to his fellow Councilman, Mr. Filippi…this task would best accomplished when not making condescending remarks at a respected member of our community such as “perhaps you should practice saying my name”

    Did you happen to notice that the Mayor, Filippi & Peter were all against transparency for foil appeals?
    We would love to see your honest & transparent journalism opinion on this?

    In closing Robin,

    I think we would all appreciate your journalism more if it were done without bias and with COMPLETE HONESTY & TRANSPARENCY!!!

  3. Jim,

    Robin is nothing more than a propaganda machine for her brother Peter and our disgraced Mayor, Doug French. The Rye Record is garbage. I thought Robin was stepping down as editor? More lies.

    It is real civil and respectful when Evonavitch gets up from the dais and walks out when someone he doesn’t like exercises their right as a US citizen to step up to the podium and speak on their issue. What a JACKASS!

    Here’s another “Dewey beats Truman” November headline Robin can publish now:


    French and Evonavich could then use those paper bags, courtesy of Oh Suzanna, to put over their heads. Better yet, go to Port Chester and use the plastic bags. Much more efficient.

    I didn’t mention Filippi because I’m guessing the support he gets from the the Nazis and the KKK won’t be enough to get him on the ballot.

  4. This is more schlock from the Jovanovich Journal. I’ve heard of spring cleaning, spring planting and spring nesting. I’ve never heard of spring complaining.

    Robin’s using the “shoot the messenger because he’s uncivil” strategy. It’s an old strategy and an unpatriotic one. In this country, it’s broadly accepted that a basic tenet of democracy, freedom of expression, inherently conflicts with civility. There are Supreme Court cases which essentially acknowledge uncivil behavior as a cost of protecting freedom of expression. Just recently, NYC paid a settlement to a man who was (wrongfully) arrested for giving his middle finger to the NYPD. Giving the middle finger is on the less civil side. That said, this man was using his Constitutional rights to express himself to government. Patriotic Americans tolerate a few insults and low blows in the name of democracy. Not this Rye City Council. Instead, we get endless whining from the uncivil attempting to silence their critics. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    Lastly, do these people have any shame? What is with Peter Jovanovich ordering us to get back to a respectful and attentive attitude? Aren’t we (hopefully) about to read how attentive and disrespectful he was to Ms. Hill? It’s hard to argue Ms. Hill’s case isn’t relevant to current Rye City issues. The fact that a former employee sued Jovanovich absolutely has an effect on how he views the Dapolite case. The timing of Robin’s desperate plea for “civility” is interesting.


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