Rye Town Park Full of pRYEde Saturday

Rye Town Park Pride Flag Raising June 5, 2021
(PHOTO: The first Rye Town Park Pride Flag Raising on June 5, 2021.)

The Town of Rye, the pRYEde advocacy group and residents will celebrate the second annual Pride flag raising at Rye Town Park starting at 9:30am Saturday.

The event will be hosted by Supervisor Gary Zuckerman, along with Town of Rye council member Pamela Jaffee and Amanda Timchak of pRYEde, guests and ceremony speakers will include local community and faith leaders, students, educators, allies, advocates and activists to speak on behalf of the LGBTQIA2S+ youth and community members in the area.

“The Town of Rye is committed to promoting openness, inclusion, freedom, and mutual understanding,” Supervisor Gary Zuckerman continued. “We have pledged to ensure that our community is one where all are welcomed, included and respected. We are honored to hold a second annual commemoration of Pride Month, and work with other local leaders and community groups to embrace understanding and acceptance of all our friends and neighbors in the Town, and beyond.”

After the flag is raised, organizers will lead participants and audience members on a parade up the promenade, where pRYEde will unveil an original community mural that has been created by local middle and high school students. The theme of this year’s mural is “Change Makers” and it celebrates leaders of the LGBTQ+ community as part of its overall theme of inclusion.

Here is the rundown of events:

Place: Sundial Garden, across from the Barley Beach House restaurant 95 Dearborn Ave, Rye

  • 9:30 am – Gathering & Community Conversation
  • 10 a.m. – Speech and song in honor of Pride
  • 11 a.m. – Procession up the Promenade; pRYEde mural unveiling and poetry reading


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