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HomeEventsWTF POS Know Your TLAs & Tech Today, 6:30pm

WTF POS Know Your TLAs & Tech Today, 6:30pm

WTF (what the f***).

POS (parent over shoulder).

TLA (three letter acronymn).

Are your kids dancing acronymns and tech around you? Is that a computer in their pocket?

Today, Wednesday, February 6th, 2013 at 6:30 pm in the Rye Middle School Multi Purpose Room.

All Rye Middle School Parents are welcome to attend an informative workshop about the technology that our kids use daily. Basic information will be provided about several of the most commonly used applications (texting, Facebook, AskFM, gaming) and will discuss the benefits and dangers of their use. This will be the first of several workshops dedicated to this important topic.

Speakers on February 6th will include: Monica Vila (the Online Mom), Peter Green (RMS Social Worker), and several Rye High School students. This workshop is organized by Rye Youth Council Middle School Advocate, Sara Braun.


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