Buying & Selling Rye: Meet Broker Connie Stetler

Welcome to Buying & Selling Rye, an occasional feature where we profile the top producers and rising stars in Rye real estate, as identified by the manager of each local firm. Today we meet Connie Stetler of William Raveis Real Estate.

(PHOTO: Connie Stetler of William Raveis Real Estate.)
(PHOTO: Connie Stetler of William Raveis Real Estate.)

Your Name: Connie Stetler

Your Title: Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker

Your real estate firm: William Raveis Real Estate

Describe yourself in one word: 

Stetler: Fearless

How many years have you worked as a real estate broker? 

Stetler: 25+ years

What did you do before becoming a real estate broker? 

(PHOTO: Kiki Stetler at the William Raveis office on 78 Purchase Street.)
(PHOTO: Kiki Stetler at the William Raveis office on 78 Purchase Street.)

Stetler: I had gotten my license during college and then went to work in the construction industry on the back end. After staying home to be a full time mom I decided to get back into real estate when my youngest entered kindergarten.

Where did you grow up?

Stetler: I grew up in the bucolic neighborhood of Crestwood, NY. It is part of the Village of Tuckahoe.

Where do you live now? 

Stetler: I’ve lived in Rye town since 1991 and have been living in Rye City for the last 7 years.

What are three of the top reasons buyers are attracted to Rye over other communities in Westchester or Fairfield? 


  1. Its small town feel with its proximity to the big city of New York City cannot be beat
  2. Recreation is Rye’s middle name. Parks, skate parks, beaches, our YMCA and Rye Recreation are always offering something for everyone of all ages
  3. You can’t beat Rye’s small-town New England Feel

What should a buyer be prepared to spend for a single family home in the City of Rye?

Stetler: The median price for a single family home in Rye as of June 1, 2022 is approximately $1,400,000. The most common price range today is somewhere in the vicinity of $1.7 million for a home that is fairly updated and has a full finished basement. Of course, every buyer is different when it comes to their needs, wants and must-haves and with a little patience and persistence, finding that perfect home will happen.

(PHOTO: Stetler with her family at the Barley Beach House restaurant on Oakland Beach.)
(PHOTO: Stetler with her family at the Barley Beach House restaurant on Oakland Beach.)

If a buyer is brand new to Rye, and has one day to discover the community, what should they go see?

Stetler: If a buyer is brand new to Rye and has only one day to discover the community then I always make a day of it. We start out in town with a cup of coffee at one of our many shops along Purchase Street and just stroll while window shopping and getting to know each other.

  1. The Rye YMCA for a quick look-see. The multiple pools and abundance of programs for all ages always impresses.
  2. Our Rye Free Reading Room is such a welcome resource beginning from story time to their extensive music catalog.
  3. Then we’d ride over to Oakland Beach and Rye Town Park. I always love having the little ones see the duck pond and the adults are always surprised by its green space. It’s surprising how many people have “driven through” Rye and never realized our little piece of paradise on Long Island Sound.
  4. I’d also show them how close we are to the shopping mecca that is Boston Post Road these days. With the addition of Whole Foods and now Target, who can resist?
  5. As the day winds down, I’d share Longford’s with them, of course, a Rye staple and we’d then make plans for another visit VERY soon. 

What are three of the best traditions in Rye?


  1. Our annual Mistletoe Magic on Thanksgiving Weekend is my absolute favorite Rye pastime. Everyone is there to just smile, ring in the holidays and I just love the energy that day. My favorite.
  2. Rye’s Little League Parade is always so much fun. Again, spring is in the air, the kids are just so proud to be donning their uniforms and sport is such a large part of what Rye is. All sports. So let’s celebrate it!
  3. Having had all three of my children attend Rye High School, how could I not include the annual Rye v Harrison Football Game. The anticipation, energy, school pride and history of it all is quintessential Rye living.

Most of the City of Rye falls into the Rye City School District, but the Greenhaven area is part of the Rye Neck School District. How do you tell your clients to think about the differences between each district?

Stetler: As a licensed real estate broker, I cannot speak of the differences between school districts like Rye Neck and Rye City but I do always share the School Profiles for any of the school districts my clients are considering along with multiple web sites and links to articles done about the different school districts in Westchester County. 

I can say that as a mom of three children, each child is different and their educational needs can also be different. It is a very personal choice for each family and these days most have done their homework before even considering moving to town.

Thanks Connie!


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