Fans Asked to Black Out Rye Garnet Football Today

A group calling itself the "Rye Garnets Football Alumni" and promoting a Facebook page is asking Garnet football fans to wear black to the game this afternoon vs. the Harrison Huskies.

It's like Garnet Football has its own "deep throat" or "black ops" group…

In an anonymous statement the group told "This is not exactly a group that has designated leaders that are publicly responsible for spreading the cause. We are former players that have played on the state championship teams and would prefer to be kept in an anynomous role. This was done in 2007 and 2008 as the last games of the season, other than that I'm not sure there have been many games in a season that have drawn in so many fans and warranted a movement like this. This is specifically set out to create a home field advantage for our Rye Garnet Football team as they have been slated a heavy underdog, currently a 2 and a half touchdown underdog. We need to do all we can to keep the streak a live and as former players we are doing the most we can, to create a home field advantage."


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