9/11 Ceremony Sunday 4:30pm at Rye FD HQ

20th anniversary 9-11 - 15 - Rye FD Captain John McDwyer IMG_2053
(PHOTO: In 2021, Rye FD Captain John McDwyer read the names on the 20th anniversary of 9-11.)

The annual City of Rye September 11th commemoration ceremony will be held this Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 4:30 pm at the Rye Fire Department Locust Avenue headquarters.

There will be a blessing from Reverend Kate Malin of Christ’s Church, opening remarks from Mayor Josh Cohn and a reading of the names. Invited guests include Congressman Jamaal Bowman, State Senator Shelley Mayer, State Assemblyman Steven Otis, County Executive George Latimer and County Legislator Catherine Parker.

Never forget:

Thomas Crotty
Benjamin Fisher
Yugi Goya
W. Ward Haynes
Takashi Kinoshita
Gary E. Koecheler
Teddy Maloney
Francis N. McGuinn
Robert McLaughlin, Jr.
Christopher D. Mello
George W. Morell
Kevin Nolan
Sean Gordon O’Neill
Thomas A. Palazzo
Michael J. Simon
Allen V. Upton

See last year’s coverage.


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