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Sunday, May 5, 2024
HomeGovernmentStampleman Puts Bus on City Council Agenda

Stampleman Puts Bus on City Council Agenda

The de-railed 76 Bus made a stop on the Rye City Council agenda. Arthur Stampleman sent the following update for readers:

"The bus was not on last [Wednesday] night's City Council agenda. However, in the time when the public can speak on matters not on the agenda, I brought up the subject. I asked the council whether they were going to take any action, now that Albany approved a bus that does not come to Milton Point whereas a public hearing showed strong public interest in such a bus. This allowed Councilwoman Catherine Parker to present a resolution asking the County Executive to restore service – she had otherwise been prevented from putting the resolution on the agenda. While there was disagreement on some details in her resolution, the Council arrived at a resolution which was approved unanimously.

There is still some way to go before we get a bus. A key next step should be for the mayor to use the resolution in frank negotiations with the County Executive. When you have had a chance to see the actual resolution or news reports, I suggest you compliment the Council in general for taking this decision and urge the mayor in particular to press the point with White Plains.

Arthur Stampleman
Milton Road"

  1. Perhaps Stapleman has offered a solid idea where else Westchester County can make cuts instead instead of this bus ? Everybody demands the County preserve their favored spending but never offers a better idea where the money can be found to pay for it .

    Imagine that !

    NY state is virtually bankrupt and Westchester not much better . Look at the report JP Morgan put out last week on muni finance that was so depressing they decided to hide it .



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