40 Bradford Trees Come Down

In a follow-up to Monday’s story The 40 Bradford Avenue Teardown is Not News, trees on the property were removed by Tuesday morning, November 8th including three large, mature specimens. M&M Tree Service LLC was busy cutting and hauling the trees away.

Mature trees are good for many things including flood mitigation.


(PHOTO: 40 Bradford Avenue this past Thursday. House down, mature trees still up, for now.)
(PHOTO: 40 Bradford Avenue this past Thursday. House down, mature trees still up.)


(PHOTO: 40 Bradford Avenue on Tuesday morning, November 8, 2022. House down, and so are the trees, including three mature trees.)
(PHOTO: 40 Bradford Avenue on Tuesday morning, November 8, 2022. House down, and so are the trees, including three mature trees.)
(PHOTO: 40 Bradford Avenue on Tuesday morning, November 8, 2022. House down, and so are the trees, including three mature trees.)
(PHOTO: 40 Bradford Avenue on Tuesday morning, November 8, 2022. House down, and so are the trees, including three mature trees.)


One Comment

  1. Thank you for this article. It was tragic watching as several very old (100+yrs?) trees were cut down without any push back. Our town’s top environmental challenge is flood mitigation yet most citizens are fixated on leaf blowers (mostly noise polluters – because if you are talking gas pollution then let’s stop mowing lawns) and do not pay attention as the very things that naturally protect our local environment from water hazards are cut down to make way for large, carbon heavy homes. Today, that property’s driveway floods with every substantial rainfall and many neighbors have had issues with water. As we excavate and cut, water moves. Where will it go next?

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